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let them walk ?

Started by porcupine, March 07, 2015, 01:43:40 AM

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Jakes are usually safe depending on where I'm hunting at. I have 5 places to hunt and some of the hunters I share these grounds with will shoot a jake in a New York second.......


 I can't say I have never shot a jake because I have but no longer. Jakes get a free pass. Any fullfan is in trouble though.
Deer see you and think you are a stump. The Old Gobbler sees a stump and thinks it is YOU!


Quote from: Gobble! on March 07, 2015, 08:00:10 AM
I will pass jakes but if I'm with someone that wants to shoot one they can. Still enjoy seeing those super jakes.
^^^This. IMO to each his own as long as it's legal I don't care if a grown man/woman or a kid shoots a jake. Personal choice and ya have to start somewhere..... :funnyturkey:


 Do whatever
makes ya happy. I have never regretted shooting any turkey I chose to shoot. I am not as quick to say to let all jakes walk as others. I don't believe there is a solid biological argument that passing jakes will guarantee a significant increase in two year olds.
What it comes down to most folks is not wanting to burn a tag on a jake. Kids with me get to shoot whatever they want so long as it is legal.


Jakes are illegal here in Ms, thank goodness!


As long as it's legal it's the individual's decision. No right or wrong answer except for that particular person.


The last couple seasons I helped the kids and a couple Buddy's get it done....and all I seen was hens lol they all got to go make more :turkey2:


First day or last day of the season and no bird, I'll pass.
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
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Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
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I've been letting jakes walk, but I can't promise that I won't ever pop one.  I'm sure they're just as tasty.  ;)


I'm a little different..... I let the big old birds pass and shoot the little ones..... carrying them rascals gets to be a chore. Now, I will say that if I can get a big one near the truck, I will probably not let him pass.


Id like to say mature birds only but a few years ago I took my Dad on opening morning. We had four birds come in strutting and gobbling. My Dad picked him one out and dropped him at 15 yards. I yelped a couple times and a jake ran back in strutting and jumped up on my Dad's bird and starts pecking and spurring him. I called again and he gobbled again. It was just more than I could handle, I knocked him right off the others back. If only he'd kept his mouth shut !!!    I say hunt how you want but hunt legal and most importantly hunt with pride. I make no excuses for any animal I've ever put in my truck.  If it gets your ticker ticking than let er rip.
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."


I can't even count the number of jakes I have passed on and I have only been turkey hunting about 20 years.  I know I passed on 6 one morning and 5 another.  First on public, second on private.  Last year one came in gobbling and strutting and acting like a Tom. I was shocked he had such a little beard.  My barrel was on him, safety off and I just squeezed. In that spot, they are my birds, so I don't feel bad.

I always say it is a game time decision every time I hunt and usually (but I guess not always) jakes get a pass. 

I have passed on a couple of toms that were looking down my gun barrel to give my son a chance. He did not get a shot at either one, but I consider that I killed them, just did not get to eat them. 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Full fan, and I'm going to try for him....

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"Lighten' up Francis"  Sgt Hulka


A Wild Turkey may just be God's finest creation, but, once shot, he becomes a mass of feathers and a piece of meat.  I have let more walk than I have shot(documented in Kenny Morgan's "One Man Game").  My reasons for doing so are so complex that even I can't describe to myself why I chose to let a particular gobbler walk.  I can say that I have only regretted letting one gobbler walk and that is because that gobbler was killed by a poacher forty-five minutes after I passed on the shot at fifteen steps.  I guess I have passed on so many because I see the sport as a game that doesn't necessarily have to end in a creature's death.  On the other hand, I have never regretted a gobbler that I have killed, nor do I look down on anyone else for taking a gobbler by sporting means that doesn't deprive the bird of his senses and his natural instincts for survival.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


We only get one bird here in the north.  I let jakes go, but always take a tom regardless of size or shape of feathers.  If it's early in the season I continue hunting but with a camera. 

All of the tools, some of the skills!