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Your favorite setting?

Started by Blong, February 23, 2015, 02:10:44 PM

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If you could go back in time throughout your life, what was your favorite setting that you ever sat down on a bird?
Its a tough one for me, Ozarks while dogwoods in bloom,swamps of Fla, the republican river in Ks, brush country of west Tx and Sierr@  Madres in Durango are all gorgeous places but not  my favorite. A 1200 acre hardwood bottom in Lawrence co, Ms from 1980-1990 would be mine! Of course it is now a 20 yr old natural growth thicket since the saws took her down. Nothing like the sound of those little indian screamin balls of fury of my youth!!


Hardwood ridges are awesome places to kill birds but my favorite place to hunt birds is a river bottom piece that I cut my teeth on and still love to this day. It's called the Flats and to this day it feels like home every time I go in there.


I hunted a hayfield in Tennessee five years ago that was breathtaking.  The field was surrounded by ridges with round bales peppering the perimeter of the field.  We didn't gain permission to hunt the field and surrounding timber until our 2nd-to-last night there.  The only morning that we got to hunt it, day broke with a huge storm cell completely surrounding us.  It never did more than sprinkle rain, but the overcast sky and occasional dashes of distant lightning created a scene I'll never forget.  It was so quiet, peaceful, and beautiful...  Typing this, I can picture it perfectly.
Pass it on...


I would have to say last spring when we went to South Dakota the first week of May.  We arrived on Wednesday right before a front dropped 6 inches of snow on us Thursday morning.  We didn't hunt Thursday but Friday morning we had doubled by 8 o'clock in the 6 inches of snow that was covering everything.  Beautiful canvas!!!!!


South Florida Oak Hammock on the edge of a pasture with the Kissimmee river in view.  Turkey or no turkey, it don't get any more home grown than that for me. 
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
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TX panhandle-- fields, timber, river bottoms. Got it all.

Spitten and drummen

I hunted a river bottom that just ran on and on. was only accessable by foot. no logging roads or trails. spend all day in there with a compass running and gunning. large mature hardwood as far as you could see. there were elevated ridges running all through it and several clear running creeks . there were a couple of natural springs that had the clearest coldest best tasting water you ever had. this was in the early 80s and you would never run into another turkey hunter. they were far and few in between. now its a huge cutover. nothing but replanted pines and huge thickets. kind of breaks my heart thinking about what it has become.


Quote from: guesswho on February 23, 2015, 03:04:16 PM
South Florida Oak Hammock on the edge of a pasture with the Kissimmee river in view.  Turkey or no turkey, it don't get any more home grown than that for me.
YEAH BUDDY !!!!  :z-winnersmiley:
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."


My most memorable setting was not necessarily my favorite hunting place, but it would have to be the private ranch I hunted in Meade County, SD along the Cheyenne River.  I never felt so far away from civilization in my life and I absolutely loved it.  A tad bit different scenery for an ole boy raised in the Florida Parishes of Southeast Louisiana.


On the Chariton and Salt river bottoms in Missouri.


SP, I hunt those same Salt River bottoms and they're still pretty good!


Still love hunting the hardwood ridges here in NY and PA where I cut my teeth learning how to hunt these magnificent birds. Something to be said about thunderous gobbles booming through the trees....


Iv hunted turkeys in some fine looking places but around home, in these hardwood Ohio riverfront ridges used to do it for me. Now with all the gas wells and pipelines popping up all over, I guess I'm looking for a new favorite setting.
Momma said "Kill that turkey"


Cypress swamp in S.Florida with low water.Light filtering through,scattered palmettos and cabbage palms.Late enough to have the cypress greening out and iris in flower stage.Maybe even a bull gator bellowing and a great blue heron squawking on take off to trigger a gobble.


old slew and hardwood bottom just off of the Ms. river here in Ms. back in the 80's and 90's
man could you hear some birds up in there, loved to hear them gobble at the tugboats as they came down the river
it's not the harvest,it's the chase