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Tru Glo Magnum sight in question?

Started by Ridge Rooster, February 14, 2015, 09:58:36 AM

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Ridge Rooster

Got a couple sets of Tru Glo magnum fiber optic iron sights on several of my turkey guns. Just curious on how the majority of yall sight them in. I usually use 2 beads or last year I went with a FF3 but I have never used iron sights for turkey hunting. I would assume that you would want the head of the turkey, or the aiming dot on the target to float right above the end sight so that your pattern is centered on the dot or head, or cover the dot or head with the end sight? Just curious on what people with experience using these do.


Ridge Rooster
Old School 11-87 + Nitros = Dead Ridge Roosters


I'm using the Williams Universal Slugger sights but they would be considered rifle/iron sights just like the Truglo's.  For me, I shoot and sight them in just like I would if they were on a rifle.  I want the center of my shotgun pattern's POI to match my POA.  Out to 40 yards, I like to place my point of aim between the top of the head and the waddles (basically the middle of the neck).  A lot of people aim for the head, but if you put the center of your pattern on his head, then the top half of your pattern is being wasted in my opinion.