hey fellers. We all know that our team met with some pitfalls last year and ended up with half of lincoln county being destroyed by the tornados. Hopefully this year no one will try to die on us or break an ankle or any of the other numerous issues we were faced with. We are re-doing the team this year. We had some hunters that never turned in any of they're kills for the contest even though they killed a limit. Not faulting them but we need team members that actualy want to play this time. Just from the birds I knew about we would have been a top five team. SOOOOOO if you want to play and its still all for fun and bragging let me know. If you feel like you are being pressured to kill something then truthfully you probably shouldn't play. Remember this is supposed to be fun. If you can't do it and be fun about it you also shouldn't play. reflexl