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Started by FullChoke, January 11, 2015, 11:36:44 AM

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By now, we have all seen the videos about fanning, the technique of approaching turkeys in open fields by crawling behind a turkey fan and getting very close to the bird. The first time I saw a video of fanning, it was being used by someone in Florida about 20 years ago. Several  outdoor companies have begun making products that capitalize on this in one way or another. We are all aware of the generally voiced opinion that "this is a good way to get shot."

But, has anyone been shot while fanning?

Every year there are reports of turkey hunters being mistakenly shot, and we are genuinely sorry for those involved. We all understand the inherent risks of turkey hunting: sitting completely camouflaged in good turkey woods making sounds like our quarry. There's not a lot of clues for someone approaching the sounds to know that there is actually a man nearby. To apply a familiar phrase, Turkey hunting "is a good way to get shot." We soberly weigh the calculated risks against the anticipated benefits of this sport, determine that it is still worth it and head out into the dark of dawn.

Can we agree that statistically we are much more likely to get shot while employing our generally accepted methods of hunting turkeys than we are by crawling in an open field with feathers in front of us?

At first glance, fanning might look dangerous, but since the fan is held directly between the hunter and the gobbler, this is the only angle that might present a problem. In every other view of the hunter, it is glaringly obvious that it is not a turkey. There is no head, beard, or body attached to the fan. We don't mistakenly shoot buzzards, and yet on the ground they present a very real approximation of the size and shape of a gobbler. What happened to the gospel of "Know your target before you shoot?" Why then are people convinced that fanning will bring about a wave of widows across this country?

Fanning is just another effective technique to get a gobbler in shotgun range and is not necessarily a death wish by those using it. Use it if it pleases you and is legal where you hunt and ignore the nay-sayers.


Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.


There is no excuse for shooting some one period no matter what you are doing.   One should always know there target and beyond period hunting 101!

On fanning this is my opinion....I don't like it or anything that comes with it!  It goes against the core of this awesome sport and this deep seated passion and addiction I have!  Turkey hunting is playing the game and working a bird into you with the skills you learn through trial and error and putting your time in.   There is no skill crawling up to a gobbler and shooting him with a fan plastered on your head or gun....I could kill many gobblers with a rifle at a long range to but I don't.  If I cant win the game of chess by playing the game a I was taught 24 yrs ago.....then I'll bow out and be just as happy!  Turkey hunting and the passion of turkey hunting is way more than killing a gobbler...way more!   When people get to the point they have to do what ever means it takes to kill a bird it becomes just killing and no longer hunting.   If this is all I had to fall back on or do to kill a bird I'll hunt for a butter ball in grocery store isle!  Again it's my view and my opinion and I'm sure some don't see it as I do....and if it's legal and you want to do it....then do so.   Be safe in all you do! It's just 110% not for me!!

God bless

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Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens


Quote from: VA_Birdhunter on January 11, 2015, 12:00:57 PM
There is no excuse for shooting some one period no matter what you are doing.   One should always know there target and beyond period hunting 101!

On fanning this is my opinion....I don't like it or anything that comes with it!  It goes against the core of this awesome sport and this deep seated passion and addiction I have!  Turkey hunting is playing the game and working a bird into you with the skills you learn through trial and error and putting your time in.   There is no skill crawling up to a gobbler and shooting him with a fan plastered on your head or gun....I could kill many gobblers with a rifle at a long range to but I don't.  If I cant win the game of chess by playing the game a I was taught 24 yrs ago.....then I'll bow out and be just as happy!  Turkey hunting and the passion of turkey hunting is way more than killing a gobbler...way more!   When people get to the point they have to do what ever means it takes to kill a bird it becomes just killing and no longer hunting.   If this is all I had to fall back on or do to kill a bird I'll hunt for a butter ball in grocery store isle!  Again it's my view and my opinion and I'm sure some don't see it as I do....and if it's legal and you want to do it....then do so.   Be safe in all you do! It's just 110% not for me!!

God bless

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Fanning has been around a long time, I have no direct problem with it and have done it before. but it should be used limitedly as a deep bag tricks from an experienced hunter. My issue would be companies mass marketing it as a main fade or tactic to hunters that might not use good judgement when employing a potentially dangerous tactic.

It goes without saying now what and who are around you, that means this is not a public land tactic or some private property with heavy access. Be smart, hunt smart, shoot smart.
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All I know is this.  I ain't gonna be fanning or using any kind of decoy, and if you shoot me, ypu dang better kill me.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


We had a full round of discussion about this last year about this time.  I agree completely with FullChoke's assessment that the perceived dangers of using visual gobbler imitations (decoys, fans, et.al.) are overblown in terms of statistical reality.  I have yet to hear of a verified incident of someone being shot while using a fan or gobbler decoy.  Will that change as more and more people use these kinds of tactics?  Who knows,...we will see over time. 

I am "on the fence" about allowing the use of visual gobbler imitations as a tactic in hunting.  This will be my 50th year hunting gobblers in the springtime.  I have witnessed it all in terms of the changes and "advancements" in the sport.  It seems like every time something new is introduced, there is some sort of controversy about whether it is fair or ethical.

If we are going to condemn the use of gobbler imitations as a hunting tactic, how far back to we take that position?  Do we say somebody moving toward a gobbler with a fan or decoy is not fair, but setting out a stationary gobbler decoy is?  If not, then is using a stationary gobbler decoy really that much different than using a hen decoy?  If not, then do we have a discussion about using hen decoys,...i.e. any visual decoy at all?

True, the "original ethic", if you will, was to use turkey calling to lure gobblers within range.  But who is to say that method of hunting turkeys is the only "right way" to do it?  Many of us got into turkey hunting because the use of calls to lure the birds to within spitting distance was exciting.  The same holds true,...and maybe to an even greater extent,...with using gobbler imitations. 

The argument could be given that using gobbler decoys, or fanning, gives the hunter an unfair advantage over the game.  There is no doubt that using them makes gobblers easier to kill,...at least in those places where the tactic is relatively new.  I feel fairly confident that, like with the use of calls and hen decoys, turkeys over time will adapt to their use and become harder to lure in using them. 

In the meantime, until there is more factual evidence to support the position that this tactic is either unsafe or unfair, I am willing to let it ride for a while and see where it leads us.  Even as an "old school" turkey hunter, that seems to be the right thing to do.


Is it fair?Is it ethical? Thats only for you and you only to decide.I like a few others am kind of on the fence with this one.Is it going to be my "go to" tactic to kill birds? No way. Would it be neat to be that close to a big ol' struttin gobbler oblivious to your existence,kill or no kill? Yes.

I see this debate very similar to the debate on baiting deer.Legal and totally accepted in some states,totally frowned upon in others as cheating. Is it for me? No. Would I look down on someone who does it legally? No. Would I voice my opinion on how there may be other ways to do it? Yes.

I'm not sure the safety debate here is relevant.On public ground where even decoys could draw fire or in a state where rifles are legal I could see a problem.In a 200 acre midwest crop field on private ground,not so much.

My biggest concern is the TV junkies who have never taken the time to learn things for themselves are gonna jump on the bandwagon,kill birds,and proclaim themselves great turkey hunters. Kind of the same situation with the pop up blind crowd.Both have their place and uses,but so many become one dimensional in their tactics that this is the only way they know how to kill gobblers,and they are missing out on a lot.Kind of sad in my book.The world has become one of wanting instant success,and this is just another way to apease the masses who unfortunately are a fair sized chunk of our hunting world.

It all boils down on how you feel when you throw that bird over your shoulder.Did you do it "right" or did you just do it by any means possible?The answer lies only within. My .02

"There are turkey hunters and people who hunt turkeys.I hope I am remembered as a turkey hunter"


As with any hunting tactics , if used in the proper place its as safe as any,but if used in the wrong place or at the wrong time can get you killed. It works in the open on field turkeys and if you are a safe hunter you know your surroundings well enough to know if anyone else is hunting the same turkey.
I can tell you it can be an adventure as exciting as anything I have ever done.
I was along on a hunt that took place on private land and I tell you It was a blast .

Now would you us it on public land or on ground that was not completely open ??? NO
2016-2017-2018-2019-2020- 2021
Six time Old Gobbler Contest Champions


FullChoke--your post is well written--can't say I disagree with it. I have never used the "fanning" technique, but I might one day if I feel like it and the circumstances are right.   


I'm not on the fence about it at all.  In fact I'm way over on one side, the sensible side.   It's just my opinion and I know that.  But I think that's ridiculous and dangerous, and has no place in turkey hunting on any property.  No one that hunts with me will ever do it while I'm there.  And if I'm hunting with someone and they start to do it I'm unloading my gun and going to wait in the truck. 
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
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If you are a new turkey hunter read and learn. There are more ways to kill turkeys than what you see on TV. 


I don't know of anyone actually shot doing this but I don't want to be the first. As far as it being right or wrong to hunt that way, well thats not for me to decide


Never tried it. Looks like nonsense to me and stalking isn't legal in my state anyway. I do know a few morons that I would like to catch at 40yds hiding behind a turkey fan though.


Quote from: anthonyjhallen on January 11, 2015, 05:54:14 PM
If you are a new turkey hunter read and learn. There are more ways to kill turkeys than what you see on TV.

Amen to that!!

God bless

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Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens


Quote from: jakesdad on January 11, 2015, 02:33:12 PM
My biggest concern is the TV junkies who have never taken the time to learn things for themselves are gonna jump on the bandwagon,kill birds,and proclaim themselves great turkey hunters. Kind of the same situation with the pop up blind crowd.Both have their place and uses,but so many become one dimensional in their tactics that this is the only way they know how to kill gobblers,and they are missing out on a lot.Kind of sad in my book.The world has become one of wanting instant success,and this is just another way to apease the masses who unfortunately are a fair sized chunk of our hunting world.

It all boils down on how you feel when you throw that bird over your shoulder.Did you do it "right" or did you just do it by any means possible?The answer lies only within. My .02

This ^^

I've done it, more than once. . . . killed some birds out west I think you'd been hard pressed to kill otherwise. It's an unbelievable adrenaline rush. Just another tool in my bag although it is in the very bottom. Completely different (and more involved) animal than propping up over a strutting decoy, which is not in my bag. But to each his own as long as you follow the rules.