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Ground Pounding and crickets

Started by flintlock, November 30, 2014, 08:31:38 AM

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I have always enjoyed the sounds of tree frogs and crickets.  Sometimes if I am passing a place in the spring and the "peepers" are singing I stop and shut the car off just to listen.  Life can be so busy at times and these simple pleasures are ones I always take the time to enjoy.

The crickets were singing that eve as I had slipped into position carefully since the wind was finally right.  I was fully relaxed and enjoying their melodious chorus as I leaned against the tree a scant 20 yards from the trail I figured he might use while checking the does.  It was then that I noticed a doe had come into view 15 yards the other direction.  A nice big mature doe and I thought about arrowing her but then I remembered why I was there and just watched her browse about for a while.

The sound of 3 footsteps snapped me out of it and I slowly turned my head and looked into the face of the widest racked buck I have ever seen in the woods.  He was locked onto me from about 75 yards and I cussed under my breath and hoped the head net and slower movement was enough.  For a full 2 minutes he stared a hole through me, then she moved.  The doe on my other side had caught his attention and HERE HE CAME!

At 35 yards he went into a small dip and I dropped to my knees and came to full draw.  He popped out on the very trail I was watching but the brush was too thick.   He continued closer as I knelt next to the tree  and began to go through my check list.  It was then that he sprinted through the opening I had planned to shoot from.  I bleated but he never stopped and in a few steps he would be out of sight and gone.  I panicked and took the shot.

The arrow sailed under his chest and in 2 steps he was gone from view.  I had just missed the widest buck in 30 years of hunting.  But, sometimes we learn from past mistakes and I immediately knocked an arrow.  In 5 seconds a doe came from where he just went and here HE CAME right back!

He stopped behind a tree at 20 yards on the same trail and all I could see was his rump.  For a full minute he stood there and I waited to draw.  He started to turn back away from the doe and I knew this was IT.  I came to full draw and he turned, I picked the spot and released and he was gone.  In less than 8 seconds I heard thrashing, then all was calm.

I knocked another arrow and just stood there and soon I noticed the overwhelming chorus of crickets again.  I thanked God for this eve in His creation and wondered if the big boy was down.  I stood there for 15-20 minutes then eased over and found my arrow and the blood trail.  He had gone only 25 yards and was down.  As I knelt next to him and the sunset turned to gold I thanked God for his life. His meat and a short recovery.....and for the crickets.

If you must smoke, please use BLACKPOWDER!

M Sharpe

I'm not a Christian because I'm strong and have it all together. I'm a Christian because I'm weak and admit I need a Saviour!

SS Calls

Old Timer53

What a great story !!!
Congrats on a fine buck !!

:icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:

stone road turkey calls

Stone Road Turkey Calls / Gary Taylor
2013 Norseman 3rd place pot call
2013 Grand national 6th place pot call
2014 Midwest 3rd place pot call
2015 Midwest 5th place HM Tube call


Dang!  Good one Wess.  Congrats and good job.  Nice to see someone who enjoys the whole experience rewarded with such a fine critter.
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
Calls Prostaff


Fantastic Wess!
No one is more deserving! Congrats on a fine, fine animal!


Great story, thanks for sharing. Congrats on one fine, fine buck!!!

Gut Pile

That is great, I needed that right now, thank you for posting
about the best religion can possibly do, is maybe make you a nice person, where as a relationship with Jesus Christ can make you a new creation


Way to go, Wess!!!!
Hope all is well.


Great story to go with an AWESOME BUCK ! Congrats Wess !  :icon_thumright:


RIP Marvin Robbins



Awesome!!!  I really enjoyed that!

God Bless
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens