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Turkey Reaping

Started by mookyj, May 29, 2014, 09:32:47 AM

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Mike, if it is any consolation, I agree with most of what you have said.  But you might as well accept what I was forced to accept several years ago.  It is no longer a sport; the new breed demands guaranteed success and will pay through the nose for it.

I think "turkey reaping" is an apt term for that particular practice.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


Quote from: mookyj on May 30, 2014, 10:08:33 AM
BC you need to change out your diapers. Reread the blog, I state that it's my opinion, my soapbox and my reasons for it. You don't agree with me and that's fine. I also state that if you do agree with me, then voice your opinions to those that regulate the game laws. You keep harping on proof, I have inquires to proper sources as I don't have access to paid subscription databases or those used by law enforcement. I personally know of stalking and decoy related shootings and I cannot dig up the documents as they don't come up in the search engines despite the search terms I have tried. News reports at most say mistaken for game or two person shooting, no details. I personally know they happened and exist. Sad that you are one of those that need to see bloody pictures, obituaries and accounts of tragedies to believe that it could even be plausible.  Somehow this is all personal to you. I have no delusions that I could possibly save you or know what's best for you.  I made my points, draw from it what you will

Quote from: BC on May 30, 2014, 08:38:19 AM
Well I know one thing.

I sure am glad we have guys like Mike who will save us from ourselves and govern things the way they see fit. After all they know what's best for all of us based off their opinion that they derived from no basis of fact whatsoever.

Thanks Mike.....  :icon_thumright:

Mike, Mike, Mike..........

You seem to be taking our difference of opinion rather personally. Since this debate began you have called me dumb and now you are talking about cleaning out diapers. I really can't justify continuing this conversation if you are going to keep throwing insults and name calling like a 12 year old child.

That's not very professional Mr Joyner.


Seems like some people post their opinion on things to a public forum and then get mad when some of the public does not agree with their opinion.  As long as it is legal then hunt how you want to. 
"A turkey hen speaks when she needs to speak, and says what she needs to say, when she needs to say it. So every word a turkey speaks is for a reason." - Rev Zach Farmer


BC, didn't realize I was getting paid to do this. I would address your comment directly back at you. One can argue things you have stated as dumb, and your tone appears to be personal. Sure enough you can argue that, sure that you will. I am also sure that I cannot get you to see it from my perspective (not that you have to agree), and foolish to try. I do appreciate the criticism about the background on my blog, I changed the translucence from 80 to 90% and it is more readable. That was constructive input, much appreciated.
Mike Joyner


Quote from: davisd9 on May 30, 2014, 12:17:10 PM
Seems like some people post their opinion on things to a public forum and then get mad when some of the public does not agree with their opinion.  As long as it is legal then hunt how you want to.


The next step down the slope from 'no fanning' or no ultra realistic decoys is to say that bow hunting is much safer than shotgunning, it takes greater skill, so only bow hunting should be allowed for turkeys.  Or heck, if turkey hunting is so dangerous, maybe we ought to ban it all together. 

Slippery slope.


Funny part about this 5 page post is that apparently very few people actually agreed with the OP's
need to butt in on what other people should or should not do.
Yet I bet not one of the hunters who commented actually participates in this Reaping technique.
the whole reason for the disagreement of most is the simple fact that everybody out there wants to butt into the lives of others
Instead of just minding there own.

The post would have been better off starting. Ladies and gentlemen remember your gun safety.


For the record, I deplore the name 'reaping' and would encourage whomever came up with it to put on a set of brass knuckles and then punch themselves in the balls.


Quote from: mookyj on May 30, 2014, 12:22:01 PM
BC, didn't realize I was getting paid to do this. I would address your comment directly back at you. One can argue things you have stated as dumb, and your tone appears to be personal. Sure enough you can argue that, sure that you will. I am also sure that I cannot get you to see it from my perspective (not that you have to agree), and foolish to try. I do appreciate the criticism about the background on my blog, I changed the translucence from 80 to 90% and it is more readable. That was constructive input, much appreciated.

Your'e welcome.

In regards to the other cause, I respect that you have the opinion. Champion that cause and get to writing letters to state legislatures to get the practice removed if you wish to do so. At the end of the day they are going to ask you if there is any data showing it's dangerous and you are not going to be able to provide that. They are then going to dismiss you.

The only way to get the practice banned is to approach it from the "not fair" or "not ethical" standpoint. Much like shooting turkeys with a rifle. You might get somewhere there, but you have stated multiple times it's about safety and not the "fairness" of it that your argument is predicated on.

If you go with the safety stance you are going to have about as much a chance as a one legged man in an  kicking contest. Either way you aren't going to make a lot of friends.


Quote from: mikejd on May 30, 2014, 12:24:53 PM
Funny part about this 5 page post is that apparently very few people actually agreed with the OP's
need to butt in on what other people should or should not do.
Yet I bet not one of the hunters who commented actually participates in this Reaping technique.
the whole reason for the disagreement of most is the simple fact that everybody out there wants to butt into the lives of others
Instead of just minding there own.

The post would have been better off starting. Ladies and gentlemen remember your gun safety.

Mike - I've fanned a couple of birds in over the years and I've put a sneak on a couple using a fan when nothing else was working.  I use the tactic on private land only, though caution still needs to be used since we all know 'private' is no guarantee you are the only one there.  This method is just one tool in the arsenal, and contrary to the thought that it is unfair or too easy' it does not always work.  If it did always work, so too would putting a strutter decoy out, and it doesn't.

Only times I've been seriously scared turkey hunting both involved a truck stopping on the road and sticking a rifle out the window getting ready to take a pot shot at my hen dekes...there was nowhere on either field where I could  effectively set up and not be seen from the road.  I have since painted hi viz orange splotches on the top panel of my blind.


Quote from: GobbleNut on May 30, 2014, 10:24:27 AM
I don't think Mookyj/Mike should be criticized for his opinion on this, nor should those that have expressed an opposing viewpoint.  True, some of the comments on both sides here have digressed to an unsavory level, but the general discussion about the pros and cons of this hunting method, and similar tactics, is good to have.

I completely agree...

I actually thought that such discussions were a large part of the basis of having such a forum.

Anytime new regulations are being considered or should be considered, I tend to be proactive about writing letters/emails and making phone calls, so at the very least my opinion is made known to those responsible for the creation (or not) of such regulation.  When regulations are being considered, I would much rather be informed, and have an informed voice in the matter.

Before this thread, I had no idea that such hunting tactics existed...  I for one, appreciate an open dialogue and discussion on such topics.

Mookyj/Mike, I would really recommend changing the background on that blog though; as at least on my computer it is impossible to read the text.

Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


He'd been calling a gobbler across a field and the gobbler was still out of range when the stalker shot at him, hitting this man with the outside of the pattern, knocking him over. He screamed, raised his head and saw the stalker run off.

  Shooting another hunter like this is no accident. Wearing orange would have made him a better target.


Quote from: spaightlabs on May 30, 2014, 12:30:47 PM
For the record, I deplore the name 'reaping' and would encourage whomever came up with it to put on a set of brass knuckles and then punch themselves in the balls.

That's the funniest thing I've heard in quite a while!!! And I totally agree.


Well I was the first one to comment and since I've sat back and watched.  I still agree the blog was 95% one the money.  Yes turkey hunting and hunting in general is an evolving sport, but the Fanning method is going to get someone killed.  Yeah I know it looks cool on all the youtube videos and to be honest I would like to have a Boss Tom charge up to with in 10 feet of me, but something about the whole thing just seems like a step in the wrong direction.  I'm not saying it should be illegal as of yet, but I do think it should be restricted to private land only.  If its your place then hunt them however you like but don't do things on public land to 1 cause a safety issue, and 2 screw up the hunting for someone else. 

Sure wish Mr Cox was around for this one.... :toothy12:
Nothing like seeing a kids eyes light up upon hearing that first gobble.


Well, now I'm glad I didn't post my "Turkey Raping" topic.    WUT???    :D


i would like to know why mookyj was almost shot?