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Safe West Virginia turkey hunters

Started by West Augusta, May 28, 2014, 01:37:07 PM

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West Augusta

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Good deal! Hopefully it stays like that.

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Deputy 14

That's great news, now if they would just stop allowing people to hunt with rifles we'd be business.


I saw that the other day to. Good news

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


Quote from: Deputy 14 on May 28, 2014, 09:29:12 PM
That's great news, now if they would just stop allowing people to hunt with rifles we'd be business.

Guess I've got mixed emotions about this. All but a handful of my birds have been shot with a rifle of some sort. Most with a 22 mag, a few with 22 hornet, 223, and 22 lr. I personally don't see the issue with using the rifle on turkeys. How's it any different than hunting deer with a rifle? It's a simple matter of making sure of what your target is and what's behind it. If done properly, it can be done safely. I know some guys are against them because they don't like the idea of someone being able to shoot the length of a field and take a bird they are trying to work. To me, that's all part of the game. I've had it happen while I was carrying the shotgun and its never really bothered me. Just congratulate the guy/girl and move on.

Would also like to add that all but a few of my birds have been shot within 40-45 yards regardless of weapon. If the bird doesn't commit, I'm giving it a pass unless it's the last day I get to hunt. Then I'll stretch it to 60 or so but seems like several guys have done that with the shotgun as well. Not ranting, just opinion. I do plan to use the shotgun more in the future but again, it's just personal choice.


Turkey hunting is a sport, not an A&P.  The shotgun is required by most states for two reasons, safety (negated by heavier than lead) and the sport (calling them close).
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


The big difference between deer hunting & turkey hunting with a rifle is, when deer hunting you are required to wear hunter orange...unless your state is different. To me it's hard to see somebody in all camo, sitting against a tree at 40 yrds. If they have on orange, you will pretty easily see them at a 100yds.  Not saying it's wrong or right, just stating the difference.


How could hunting turkey with a rifle be sporting?


I agree with WVmtnhick.  Hunt like you were taught to hunt by your parents or grandparent, know your target.  Doesn't matter if the guy is in camo or orange he still must be  seen for what he is, a human not a turkey.  I am 67 yrs. old and have hunted since I was about 8 yrs old (I carried a single shot .22 while my Dad carried the bullets, he or I would find rabbits setting and I'd get to shoot after we loaded the rifle) and I have never put a scope or sight on anything that I have not identified as my intended target.  Gun safety and proper use of guns makes hunting safe not taking away our options.  I use a combination gun and have killed birds with each of the barrels.  Suggest that they take away the use of rifles just opens the door for the "midget minded" WV legislature or DNR to take away/mess with the ways we hunt beyond rifle use.  I cannot be the only hunter that practices safe hunting as I was taught.  Since ALL of us know and practice safe hunting, pass it on to your young hunters and leave the Govt. out of it.


My home state of Va allows rifle spring and fall also but I must say in my area rifles are seldom used in spring only my uncles that I know all the 40 and under crowd use shotguns, Now in fall different story because you get in some combo hunting deer/turkey squirrel turkey so on. Hunt safe and hunt legal have good time just make sure that its not one of those guys using a fan like they are doing these days

CT Spur Collector

Sorry....no sport in shooting them with a rifle........might as well "tree trim em".


Quote from: CT Spur Collector on May 30, 2014, 11:14:00 AM
Sorry....no sport in shooting them with a rifle........might as well "tree trim em".
Funny thing that is exact thing the die hard bow hunters around here say about deer hunting with rifle


Quote from: turkeyfoot on May 30, 2014, 04:22:47 PM
Quote from: CT Spur Collector on May 30, 2014, 11:14:00 AM
Sorry....no sport in shooting them with a rifle........might as well "tree trim em".
Funny thing that is exact thing the die hard bow hunters around here say about deer hunting with rifle

But I bet 98% of them shoot the latest compound bows with carbon arrows and mechanical broadheads.

I love golf.  It keeps a lot of people out of the turkey woods.



Quote from: Deputy 14 on May 28, 2014, 09:29:12 PM
That's great news, now if they would just stop allowing people to hunt with rifles we'd be business.

Well, nobody getting shot probably won't help the argument.  ;)