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Gun camo

Started by CoachHunter, May 27, 2014, 08:27:08 PM

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How important is gun camo? I bought a Browning Maxus in max4 duck camo this Christmas for a really good deal and my buddy gave me a hard time when I took it turkey hunting. I love the gun, it holds a good pattern, and I took 2 toms with it this season. Is a turkeys eyesight THAT good to pick out the camo in the woods?


Doesn't matter. I think you answered your own question by stating you killed two toms with that gun this year

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Not a chance thousands of turkeys have been killed with non camo guns ... Movement is key .... Stay still and any gun will kill any animal ...... Move at the wrong time and it won't matter how good your camo is


Yeah I did get the 2 down but also had a few skirt around me, head opposite way, etc. I kept telling myself that's just turkey hunting, but the thought of the camo was always in the back of my mind.


No... The pattern doesn't have to match the surroundings.  I've killed more birds with my black Benelli SBE than my 835 Mossberg in Realtree grey and they never blinked an eye

Sent from the Gobbler's Roost
The SC Gobbler

Some men are mere hunters; others are turkey hunters.
                    —Archibald Rutledge


Camo doesn't matter as much as movement. When I head to the woods none of my camo from the gun to my outfit matches.......


Those 2 gobblers you harvested didn't see your pattern on your gun. Dont think it much matters. I just had my dipped and it looks brand new. Color and camo did it for me great job for sure and reasonably priced :firefighter:.
09-11-01 Some Gave Something. 343 Gave All F.D.N.Y.


Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately I had bought a new Browning a5 last year in breakup infinity camo to turkey hunt with and I can't stand it. Was hoping I wasn't going to have to use it, but sounds like you guys (and the 2 toms) say ill be fine.


Well, the Tom I shot sign the shotgun this year didn't seem to mind my all black sxii. For years I used nothing more than a marlin 22 magnum with a black stock and stainless finish. Still shot all but 2 birds with that gun inside of 40 yards. I've had birds in spitting distance during our rifle season while wearing blaze orange. Just keep movements minimal and you'll be fine.


I see black coloring  in the woods so who knows it may be better lol doesn't matter


I don't know if it matters, but I'm not really looking to find out ...

It's kinda like getting seasick, I'm not really interested in finding out if a remedy works if the result might get me sick!

I hunt turkeys 25+- days a year, and I'm hoping for high success, so I prefer to be as concealed as possible.  I've had many birds within 36-48" of the end of my camo gun barrel, so I guess I'll stick with camo for now....

"Lighten' up Francis"  Sgt Hulka


shot a lot of toms with black guns, you just don't want a shiny gun, wood , black or camo.

Tail Feathers

I took a buddy hunting for his first turkey hunt some years back.  He showed up with a Montefeltro with a beautifully engraved nickel plated receiver and the improved cylinder choke. :z-dizzy:
But we got him a bird that day, and he is forever hooked now.  But he uses a camo'd gun now.
Quote from: owlhoot on May 28, 2014, 06:04:44 AM
shot a lot of toms with black guns, you just don't want a shiny gun, wood , black or camo.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


The camo on the gun is there to please the man--the turkeys don't care about it one way or the other.


Quote from: CoachHunter on May 27, 2014, 08:27:08 PM
How important is gun camo?

I love the gun, it holds a good pattern, and I took 2 toms with it this season. Is a turkeys eyesight THAT good to pick out the camo in the woods?

Thats all you need to have for a turkey gun!! Tell your friend he's a dork if he thinks cattail camo wont be good in the turkey woods.Heck I have a friend that duck hunts 99% of the time and when he does come out on occasion he wears head to toe max 4 and he kills birds with us