This is the third weekend of spring turkey here in Florida. I have been seeing some jakes, they are little bad boys, gobbling and strutting like grown men. Seen the two I saw today at least 3 times (one has a unique shaped beard, always with his buddy-they were with 2 other jakes earlier in the season). This is private land.
Anyhow, I got a really reall good look at them today (like 6 yards strutting good look) and I would swear that their beards were longer than 2 weeks ago. Was it just my imagination trying to tell me to shoot one? No way a beard could grow in 2 weeks is there? (like an inch!). I think maybe they were more ruffled up the last few times and it just appeared like their beards were slightly longer. I saw them at 15 yards opening weekend, so I got a good look both times. Am I getting jake fever?