Quote from: Onpoint on March 08, 2014, 06:22:11 PM
Alright here's the thing. I sighted in my wife's new mossy 20 today. When she shot she was consistently hitting 4" right of me and about 2" lower. I'm left handed and she's right handed. She's been shooting for years and is a good shot. We shoot both 12 gauge 870s the same with red dots. Her 20 also has a red dot. The gun is a little bit small for me but all my shots feel good. She said her first 2 shots she jersey but after that she said they all felt good and she hit the same spot every time. I wander who's on and who's off.
We weren't on a bench. I sighted it in with it laid across a stool but after it was sighted in with light and turkwy loads, i checked POA/PIA at various distances and all were on.
She said that she does not like the trigger as much as she does her 870. I've done a little work to the 870 trigger and it is quite a bit nicer than this one. Is a low right miss a sigh. Of a pulled shot for a right handed shooter? Gotta figure out who's on and who's off. We have always shot the same. Even our rifles we shoot within an inch of each other at 100 yards with the same gun. Hell she can hold a half dollar group at 100 with a 243 Layin on Her belly with the gun propped up on a backpack.
We running out of time and won't have to many more days left to shoot before season gets here.
Clark where you at, I know you got an answer for me.
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I'm sorry, I just saw your post. I want to be sure I understand. You sighted-in the gun and the POA and POI are right on for you, correct? When your wife shoots the gun, her POI is 4" to the right about 2" low, correct so far?
The point of impact is consistent for both of you, and you've both shot several times?
Assuming that all I understand is correct, it would not be unusual for 2 people to have a different POI, shooting the same gun. As an example, I can not sight-in a shotgun for Doris and if I use a rest to sight in a gun, the POI is always different for me when I just shoot it off my right shoulder. That's pretty common, for one person to see differently than another person and shoot to different points of aim.
I'm not clear what type of sight you are using on the Mossberg. If it's not a red dot, open sights, for example, that may have something to do with the differences, since you're able to shoot your 870s with red dots to the same POI.
You also raise the point of the Mossberg having a trigger that's not as smooth as your 870s. That could indeed be a part of the difference. If she's having to put a good bit more pressure on the trigger, that could easily cause a shot to be off. Since she's obviously a good shot, and experienced, I might put the "blame" on the trigger.
A right hand shooter anticipating recoil will normally shoot low and left and a left hand shooter anticipating recoil will normally shoot low and right but I don't think that's what's happening.
Since the gun is for your wife, it's really just important that the POA and POI match for her, right?
Since you don't have a lot of time to wear in that trigger, I suggest that she spend as much time as it takes with some inexpensive shells at the range to adjust whatever type of sights you have on the gun to get the POA & POI in line. Then of course make sure everything is still correct with your turkey loads.
I would be certain that the bolt/cap that screws into the magazine is tight and mark it with something, red nail polish works, so you can make sure it stays at the same point. You don't want to overdo it, because you can pull that barrel down easily but it does need to be tight.
Lastly, if you don't have a "dot" type sight on this gun and she's used to one, you might want to consider putting one on it.
Please let me know if I've understood correctly and if this makes sense to you. If not, let me know and I'll do all that I can to be of help.