I sold my gun I used for turkey season and Im going to have a whole new set up this year and I wanted some inputand advice to hopefully avoid the things I went though last year... I've got my mind made up on buying either an 835 thumbhole stock or a 935 pistol grip both are mossbergs and I already have a jelly head choke for either model Im just not sure what shells to use... I want to use some nitro's buy Ive never bought any before and I not sure what load size or oz to use (3 1/2'' is what I want)... I dont want to buy a bunch of different ones cause those things are expensive! I used the magnum blend hevi last year and it worked a lot better than the #5 hevi I used before and the magnum blends are something I like and would use again if the nitro doesnt work out... part two is I finally want to use a red dot and I have done some poking and I've decided on the Bushnell 25 but my question is does it mount the exact same as a rifle scope with a base to the shotgun? some of the shotgun mounts Ive seen look weird to me...