This is somewhat different. I write this and ask for prayer for our brother Zac, his wife Christy, and their girls. Zac has cancer of the throat, stomach, and it has spread to an area in his lungs next to the pulmonary arteries which is inoperable due to the location. Zac is a fighter, a man of positive nature, and our brother, Please lift him up in prayer. AS I wrote this prayer out, I though of the many names we call our Savior.
This is my comment and prayer to him this morning on another site:
Morning to you brother!!
Glad to read of the work days, and you spacing them out. You still owe us pics of the rifle you got, and if you shoot, we want to see the targets.
Heavenly Father,
We give You thanks, not for the things You have done, but just for who You are. We Bless Your name. The name that rolls off our lips when we are hurt; when we are lonely; when we are at peace; when we are assured. We thank You for being all knowing, and creating us in Your image. We thank You for having the ability, though we often forget, of talking to You at any time, and knowing You always listen, and always answer, at the correct time.
Your way is right. Your timing is right, and You are just in Your ways. May we focus on what we have, and not the have nots.
Thank You for our brother Zac, our sister Christy, and their girls. Lord may Your blanket of protection wrap each up in comfort, shielding, and assurance. May Your love continue to be seen through co-workers, friends, family, and the community. May it flood their lives in strength, peace, new found energy and insight to beating this cancer and its ugly effects in Zac's body, the body You created!!
Let Your Holy Spirit lead, guide, and direct each of them in their paths of success in this situation. From the knowledge and wisdom of where to go and who to see for treatments; of how they may be supportive and care for their father Zac; of how they may be supportive and meet the needs of their spouse; of how they may be supportive of Your plans and how to carry these plans out, for Your glory and honor!
Continue to lift Zac up in the roles he is to carry out as servant to You, husband, father, son, son-in-law, brother, friend, co-worker, acquaintance, and giver of good news as of Your salvation through Your son Jesus. Lift him up, giving him energy, peace, and assurance You are with him in each new step he takes, whether forward or backwards.
We ask for the new medicines to be effective in healing his body, with no bad side effects or outcomes. May there be good news as he has his endoscopy today. Prepare in advance the correct Drs. he needs to be in contact with at MD Anderson, and provide a quick and speedy meeting date with each, each having good news to add to his treatment.
Thank You Lord. Thank You Father. Thank You Great Physician. Thank You Savior. Thank you Provider. We thank You for the many names which roll off our lips in calling out to You, the Alpha and Omega of Your children.
May it all be for Your glory, and honor, as we keep our eyes focused on You the Lord of lords.
For it is in the many names of Jesus, we ask and claim these things, Amen!!
I love you brother. Keep up the good fight.
God Bless,
David B.