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Weapon of Victory ~ Devotion ~ 6/12/13

Started by lightsoutcalls, June 12, 2013, 09:24:55 AM

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Below is a devotion I received last week in my email.  It is too good not to share with you guys.  I highlighted a portion that really grabbed my attention.  Please take a couple of minutes to listen to the song linked below the devotion.  It is based on the verses noted in Jeremiah.  The song is by the pastor of a local church I attended, Craig Smith.  If you have the opportunity, close your eyes as you listen and shut everything else out...  He has a profound way of touching the heart of God through music.

The Weapon of Victory
By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

In Jeremiah, the Lord admonishes us to pray, saying, "Call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:12-13).

Each of us would like to see great and mighty things from God. However, if we fail to pray, then we will never fully experience the power of God in our lives.

Prayer is our declaration of faith in a mighty God. When we pray, we acknowledge our need of Him and our dependence on Him alone. Calling out to God also declares our desire for His wisdom, guidance, and protection.

We have the awesome privilege of entering God's presence through prayer. It is here that we discover the will of God for our lives and receive His power so we can victoriously face the enemy of our souls.

In this life, there will be times when we struggle with feelings of disappointment. In those times, we may be tempted to wonder how life ended up feeling so unfair. If we are not careful, our spiritual focus will shift, and we will wonder, "Why pray?"

Never allow this attitude to rest within your heart. Prayer is our mighty weapon of victory. It is a matter of the will rather than emotion or intellect. When the bottom drops out of life, we must become more determined than ever to pray.

In Scripture, Paul reminds us that a spiritual battle rages around us (2 Corinthians 10:4). However, we are not defenseless. Prayer is a powerful and sure weapon. Therefore, we can pray and by faith know that God hears us when we call to Him.

Prayer: Father, You are a Mighty God and I acknowledge my need for You and my dependence upon You. I pray for Your will for my life.  May I receive it with joy and thanksgiving knowing You love me. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds" (2 Corinthians 10:3-4).

Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


Pray as if everything depends on God, work like everything depends on you



So true Wendell.

Prayer, which is communication, is a manner in which we have a relationship with Christ.


What ever goes on one side goes on the other. No communication (prayer)=no relationship.
Good communication(prayer)=good relationship. If we voice we have a relationship with Christ, then we have prayer with Christ.

God Bless,
David B.