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Just had a bird really, really close

Started by mtsrunner, April 24, 2013, 07:28:01 AM

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Not what you are probably thinking, though.
I am tucked in some trees with low hanging branches this morning. I had some little songbirds scurrying around on the branches in the left of my picture. I wasn't paying much attention to them until one of them lit right on top of my head!!!
I'm sure this happens sometimes, but it was a first for me.
I did have a hawk light about 10 feet above my head during deer season as I was relieving my bladder once. I couldn't get it back in my pants fast enough. Luckily for me, I think he was looking for a bigger meal.

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That ol' tom's already dead. He just don't know it yet .... The hard part is convincing him.

Are you REALLY working that gobbler, or is HE working YOU?


 :icon_thumright: I once had an owl land on the branch right above (maybe 4 feet) my head one year while archery hunting. I was all camo'd up and was looking straight up at him. He was staring right at me & wasn't sure what I was but he knew something wasn't right & flew off after about 2min. Just looking at those claws wrapped around that branch made me thankful I wasn't a rodent/small animal....


Had a Goshawk try to grab my finger one morning. I was in all camo and he landed in a tree about 20 yards away. I squeaked to get his attention. Them flipped my finger up and down and here he comes.I jumped back and threw my arms up as he swooped right in my face.I could have grabbed him.Cool ,but I wont do that again.


I scrolled through my pics and found a pic of that hawk above me. He is the white blob at the top of pic.
I have a good video of it, but can't figure out how to post it from my phone.
Any help?

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That's pretty cool.  I've had some birds close, but never had one land on me, yet.

Usually my close encounters involve squirrels.  Once they know you're there, they'll climb in the same tree o on a branch 3 feet from you occasionally.  Sometimes you feel a little rumble on the ladder below you and hope it's a squirrel and not bigfoot.