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Fastfire 3 Hitting Low No More Adjustment Frustrated

Started by Pin Wheel, March 31, 2013, 09:41:11 PM

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Pin Wheel

I have a winchester 1300 and just put a fastfire 3 on, well went out to get it all sighted in today, started out with light loads at 25 yds.  Shooting 1 foot low and Im out of adjustment,  very frustrated.  Supposed to be leaving in 6 days on a turkey hunt. I have the pictannny mount sitting on my weaver base.  Any of you had this problem?  Talked to my gunsmith few minutes ago and said he could shim it and would fix it.  Worth a try I guess,  just thought a 250 dollar scope would sight in on my gun without having to do any extra work.


Make sure that the mount is all the way down in the slot on your weaver base sometimes weaver slots need to be widened to accept the picatinnry fast fire mount . If not all the way in the slot and then you get fitted right that should bring your poi up some

Pin Wheel

its all the way down, dont know whether to shim it, I dont think its a optic problem because I adjusted the other way and it dropped 4-5 feet shooting dirt out of the ground, so I mean the sight is adjusting like its supposed to and its holding its zero fine.


how tall is your base? Is it possible to get a lower profile base? If so it will bring the FF3 closer to the vent rib and allow you additional, albeit mi-nute, adjustability.


Something isn't lining up parallel.  Either the base isn't parallel to the barrel, the mount isn't inline with the base, or the sight isn't on the mount correctly.  I'd tear it apart and put it all back together.  I really don't think it's the sight but if it is I'd happily replace it so I can find the problem. 

Pin Wheel

thanks guys for all your input and help,  Burris big thanks to you buddy, I really appreciate your help.


Yes, something is not right.  The sight probably has several feet of adjustment in reality.  I cant see a gun being that off.  Hopefully your form is good and you are not flinching off target.

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2

Cluck more, yelp less

Pin Wheel

wasnt flinching,  you said several feet of adjustment  how much you think 3 or 4 or 8 or 9


If all else fails, try cutting a thin shim out of an aluminum soft drink can and insert the shim at the the stock end of the sight between the base and sight and tighten down the two screws securing ff to base.


Quote from: Pin Wheel on April 01, 2013, 08:43:55 PM
wasnt flinching,  you said several feet of adjustment  how much you think 3 or 4 or 8 or 9

There is 190" of adjustment for both windage and elevation at 100 yards.  That is a little over 15 feet.  That is around 7.5' at 50 yards and around 3.75' at 25 yards.  Unless the sight is defective something is seriously wrong.

Cluck more, yelp less


had the same issue with the FFIII i just put on my Win Sx2,but just the opposite, i had heck getting the base for it, the only people that carried it was Talley, and i ordered it one week, after a week, i called them back, they hadn't sent it out, the guy said he would take it to shipping , so after another week, i called back, and they hadn't shipped it still, so same guy said he would put it in the mail, i get it, guess what, WRONG screws, so call back, after another week, get another one with only 3 out of 4 screws, but i got it on, now get this, i have an 1187 that i put a scope on last year and be danged if someone didn't steal it out of my truck in my front yard thsi tuesday, so here i go to sight in my new FFIII, never got it to adjust low enough, i shimmed it under the pic mount between it and the rail, then i got it adjusted out, i think my problem was the alignment of the rail on the gun not letting it have enough adjustment, can't wait to pop one in the head
It's not a passion, It's an OBSESSION


Pin Wheel

got her sighted in now. Ready to pop a head, thanks everyone for your comments Burris special thanks to you


Maybe I missed it, but what was the issue?

Was it something simple?

God Bless,
David B.

the Ward

He has it listed in the turkey gun misc.classified for sale now?


Already saw that.

That's why I asked.

Maybe the problem was the gun since he sold it as well.

God Bless,
David B.