(Except for you Alabama goobers where it is still illegal)
I got started about a year ago. I Have really enjoyed it. Even branched out a couple of months ago, at my wifes request) and and made my first wine. We're going to do another fresh fruit (blackberry) wine in a couple months when it is available locally.
I think I am up to about 30 gallons of beer and 5 gals of wine in a year. Its amazing hoe brew/fermentation knowledge bleeds over into cooking(another hobby of mine)
I stepped up my game today on a killer craigslist deal. I picked up a GE 12cubic foot chest freezer for 20 bucks! The guy (stoner/hipster type) said it just wasn't cooling "as good as it used to" and already bought another. 20 dollar gamble I figured. I picked it up, brought it home, cleaned it up a little, and its working fine for me.
I didn't really care if it worked well (although I did need it to cool somewhat) because I plan on using it as a fermentation chamber. I just need it to cool to around 70 degrees or a little colder (achieved using a Johnson controller)to make a lager. However since it seems to work perfectly I will use it for cold crashing brews, freeze concentration, temperature controlled bulk storage and a bunch of brew related other stuff. Maybe even cure and dry age meat!
I can ferment and or age 20 gallons at a time now...I think this hobby is spiraling out of control.
...anybody want a beer? I'm going to have a bunch soon