Might have been the fact it was 19 degrees. guessing that didn't help. Anyway, tried my new Carlson at .575 and averaged 111 hits (10" circle) at a measured 40 yards using the the federal heavyweight in size 7. That was the average of 3 shots. I actually had a regular hevi-13 in size 7 that I tried and it was clearly better (although not steller) at 137 hits at the same distance.
Just for grins, I tried a shot of Heavyweight 7's out of my Indian Creek .555 which is ported and it was no better (or worse) then the Carlsons also at circa 115 hits at 40 yards. That pattern as really patching and I'm guessing those wad stripper played hell with the flitecontrol wad.
Appreciate any ideas. I've got receipt for the Indian Creek, which I used last week with the Hevi-13 size 7 and it wasn't steller with that either. I'm beginning to think my 26" Nova might like a more open choke because the .555 doesn't seem to be cutting it. Any ideas would be appreciated.
PS. I have zero doubt the hevi-13's in size 7 would stone a turkey at 40 yards (137 hits isn't bad). I was just hoping for a bit better result.
FYI, I had a little charles daly 20 gauge (since sold) that averaged 185 hits using a .555 Indian Creek, but I was using Nitro Ray's size 7's. Maybe those shells are just way better then anything else on the market.