Yep,....good pictures are key. If in doubt, take a bunch. Also make sure you have a good measuring tape and scale with you,...and learn how to take the measurements correctly so you don't cheat yourself,...or have your points reduced by not having clear photos with properly measured beards and spurs...
Here are some common mistakes:
Digital scales are inexpensive,....and are more accurate and easier to read than the spring-loaded jobs. Get you one if you don't already have one,...and preferrably one that you can hang up without having to hold it while weighing the bird. Having to hold the scale while measuring and taking pictures will cause the weight to change while weighing.
Spurs are measured along the curve,...not straight across from the leg to the tip of the spur. Measuring straight across will cost you points.
Beard measurements should be taken clearly from the base of the beard sheath where the sheath meets the breast skin (not where the beard hairs meet the sheath). If you happen to get lucky with a multiple-bearded bird, make sure you clearly show the beard bases and that they are clearly separate beards. Multiple-bearded birds are one of the keys in this contest. If you get one, make sure you measure correctly and get good pictures!