yes they so WORK....
If you go to Shannon's profile you can see the video set up...
if you go to my profile, you can see a sound file set up....
In order for EITHER to work, you need the correct embed codes...
for videos its pretty straight forward from wherever your video is hosted at (vimeo, youtube, etc)...they usually have a share or embed option...all you need to do is copy and paste the code...
for the sound file, its a little different...
you have to have the sound file HOSTED somewhere -- I dont know if photobucket supports them, but if you own your own website, you can do it...
at any get a sound file to work, you would copy and paste the following code to your MEDIA box in your profile (replace the url to your actual Sound file!)
<embed height="100" width="100" src="" />
Now granted, I only tested this with a mp3 file... I am not sure if .wav or .midi will work...but if you have one of those formats and want me to them to me and I will take a look for you...