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Just Plain Wrong

Started by tomstopper, August 29, 2012, 01:47:07 PM

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I know that these are not wild turkeys but still they are beautiful animals and should be treated as such from the time they are born until the end of the slaughter process. I just dont understand some people.


Sorry if I can't work up any tears.

We live in a society where a guy is charged with a felony for kicking a turkey in the head, but our government funds organizations that suck human babies limb from limb inside their mother's womb.  Now, what was it again that is "just plain wrong"?
  I'm not saying it's right to abuse turkeys on a commercial farm, but you won't see me losing any sleep over it. 
   On the other hand, we have a president who voted more than once to allow babies who survived abortion attempts and were breathing on their own to be allowed to "expire" in a utility closet in the abortion mill.  ( http://www.nrlc.org/ObamaBAIPA/Obamacoveruponbornalive.htm  ) Yes, the same president who said about his own daughters "I don't want them punished with a baby" if they were to "make a mistake" and get pregnant.

  You might get a more favorable response from P.E.T.A.
Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


Quote from: Gitzit69 on August 31, 2012, 10:58:06 AM
What' one have to do with the other. This thread went from a topic about a turkey farm, to abortion. Someone has an axe to grind.

Take deep breaths... now focus on your happy place...

  Please understand that I am not trying to single anyone out or point a condemning finger at any individual.  That said, society is where it is because too many folks (in the past, myself included) had a mindset that if a particular issue didn't directly, violently and immediately impact me as an individual, it either wasn't my business or worth my time to get involved.
  Sure, a guy kicking a turkey in the head is uncalled for, but worthy of felony prosecution?  Come on! Bleeding heart issues are everywhere trying to raise money for some sad eyed puppy that was abused or starved... bears that were "wrestled" for entertainment, etc, etc.  This week a story about whales being attacked by seagulls... CRY ME A FREAKING RIVER!!! 
  You make my point perfectly for me...  Bring up the issue of the killing of innocent babies... HUMAN babies, and now you're some kind of right wing wack-job, intolerant, judgmental, against-women, sticking your nose in my bedroom conservative nut.  Did that pretty much cover it? 
   I don't understand how people can get all emotional over an animal being mistreated and then call the killing of an innocent child a "woman's right" or a "choice".  Where is the right of the baby?  Was the baby given a choice? Don't tell me that you haven't seen an instance where someone kills a pregnant woman and is charged with 2 counts of murder.  How is it that an unborn child is legally recognized as being human in that case, but heads turn the other way when it's just an "inconvenience" or a "mistake"? 
   Attempts to argue "women's rights" completely miss the issue of the sanctity, the sacredness of human life.  If the technology available today had been available at the time of ROE V WADE, there would NEVER have been legalized abortion.  ("If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant's case, of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment."
Justice Harry Blackmun, Roe v. Wade)
   It is apparent that the unborn babies have no voice of their own.  Somebody has to stand up for their right to live.  It was by none of their choice that they were conceived, regardless of the situation or circumstance. 

"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being. It is no longer a matter of taste or opinion...it is plain experimental evidence. Each individual has a very neat beginning, at conception."

Dr. Jerome Lejeune, "Father of Modern Genetics"

Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


Quote from: lightsoutcalls on August 31, 2012, 01:28:34 PM
Quote from: Gitzit69 on August 31, 2012, 10:58:06 AM
What' one have to do with the other. This thread went from a topic about a turkey farm, to abortion. Someone has an axe to grind.

Take deep breaths... now focus on your happy place...

Please understand that I am not trying to single anyone out or point a condemning finger at any individual. That said, society is where it is because too many folks (in the past, myself included) had a mindset that if a particular issue didn't directly, violently and immediately impact me as an individual, it either wasn't my business or worth my time to get involved.
Sure, a guy kicking a turkey in the head is uncalled for, but worthy of felony prosecution? Come on! Bleeding heart issues are everywhere trying to raise money for some sad eyed puppy that was abused or starved... bears that were "wrestled" for entertainment, etc, etc. This week a story about whales being attacked by seagulls... CRY ME A FREAKING RIVER!!!  
You make my point perfectly for me... Bring up the issue of the killing of innocent babies... HUMAN babies, and now you're some kind of right wing wack-job, intolerant, judgmental, against-women, sticking your nose in my bedroom conservative nut. Did that pretty much cover it?  
  I don't understand how people can get all emotional over an animal being mistreated and then call the killing of an innocent child a "woman's right" or a "choice". Where is the right of the baby? Was the baby given a choice? Don't tell me that you haven't seen an instance where someone kills a pregnant woman and is charged with 2 counts of murder. How is it that an unborn child is legally recognized as being human in that case, but heads turn the other way when it's just an "inconvenience" or a "mistake"?  
  Attempts to argue "women's rights" completely miss the issue of the sanctity, the sacredness of human life. If the technology available today had been available at the time of ROE V WADE, there would NEVER have been legalized abortion.  ("If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant's case, of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment."
Justice Harry Blackmun, Roe v. Wade)
  It is apparent that the unborn babies have no voice of their own.  Somebody has to stand up for their right to live.  It was by none of their choice that they were conceived, regardless of the situation or circumstance.  

"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being. It is no longer a matter of taste or opinion...it is plain experimental evidence. Each individual has a very neat beginning, at conception."

Dr. Jerome Lejeune, "Father of Modern Genetics"

Easy fellas. I was not trying to start a war here. I was just trying to say that I dont understand why people do this to animals. Lightsoutcalls, I agree with you 100% and do not blame you for your opinion and I didnt respond to your first replie b/c you are right. I just dont want this post to turn into a huge argument. I am both against animal abuse and definitely against abortion. I was just stating the news so please dont kill the messenger.  


Quote from: lightsoutcalls on August 29, 2012, 04:29:56 PM
Sorry if I can't work up any tears.

We live in a society where a guy is charged with a felony for kicking a turkey in the head, but our government funds organizations that suck human babies limb from limb inside their mother's womb.  Now, what was it again that is "just plain wrong"?
  I'm not saying it's right to abuse turkeys on a commercial farm, but you won't see me losing any sleep over it. 
   On the other hand, we have a president who voted more than once to allow babies who survived abortion attempts and were breathing on their own to be allowed to "expire" in a utility closet in the abortion mill.  ( http://www.nrlc.org/ObamaBAIPA/Obamacoveruponbornalive.htm  ) Yes, the same president who said about his own daughters "I don't want them punished with a baby" if they were to "make a mistake" and get pregnant.

  You might get a more favorable response from P.E.T.A.

I gree with you 100% Wendell! 
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr


I'm all for respecting animals. But an animal is not a human, nor should an animal's life be considered the same or equal to human life. It appears to me as well, that society has swayed to being more concerned for an animals rights, than a persons.

God Bless,
David B.