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Obama just put a nail in his reelection coffin

Started by bird, June 20, 2012, 10:33:47 AM

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What are they trying to hide?

These documents DO NOT quailfy for Executive Privilage by the POTUS. Another example of Obama spitting in the face of the Citizens of the United States and ignoring the Constitution of the United States.

Mainstream media won't be able to ignore this! 

Deputy 14

I sure hope he has. Doesn't surprise me at all that he did this though.


I hope so! I drove my nail almost 4 years ago!
East TN Beard Buster



Don't underestimate the ability of the "mainstream media" to ignore anything.   :D


Sorry to slightly change the direction of this post, but I also have a major problem with Obama's marketing campaigns.  Have you seen this?


What do you think would have happened if a Caucasian president had ever produced and published a You Tube video for ALL WHITE PEOPLE to unite for a WHITE PRESIDENT?
Pass it on...


Obonehead is trying right this minute to coming up with more lies to tell the American public to make him look like the Fast and Furious committee is doing this because he's black and all of this is racism.


I just checked CNN & MSNBC to see how they are covering today's events.  I was actually somewhat surprised that CNN in the segment that I watched reported the events in a neutral manner and appeared to be factual.  But of course MSNBC refuses to cover the facts in the case and continues to sway away from the real story. They even went so far to say that the congress doesn't have the right or power to request the documents after Feb. 2011. Between the Democrats and some media sources they are trying to rewrite the Constitution of the Unitied States by not following the laws that our forefathers gave us. Essentially the DOJ and the POTUS are breaking the law and they are covering up for a Cover Up.


I hate to say it guys, but even if he loses the election he will still be the president for a second term.  He will win and God help us All.
Certified Wildlife Biologist


Quote from: LaBiologist on June 20, 2012, 12:19:22 PM
I hate to say it guys, but even if he loses the election he will still be the president for a second term.  He will win and God help us All.

If he loses the election how can he serve a second term?

That just doesn't make sense.


Quote from: AngryBird on June 20, 2012, 12:25:18 PM
Quote from: LaBiologist on June 20, 2012, 12:19:22 PM
I hate to say it guys, but even if he loses the election he will still be the president for a second term.  He will win and God help us All.

If he loses the election how can he serve a second term?

That just doesn't make sense.

It is called corruption.  He will find a way.
Certified Wildlife Biologist

Eric Gregg

Romney would have to be an idiot to not win this one, and here is why:

The president cannot run on his record of the past 3 1/2 years. The president has to come up with a reason to give him 4 more years in office, but cannot come up with a valid reason why voters should put him back in there.
Romney focuses on the economy and not get off on "social" issues, get a good VP candidate and the Dem's are on the ropes.
Add to this that the administration that promised to be the most transparent and honest administration has just refused to release documents that probably would put a nail in the coffin for all of their political careers, the intelligence leaks, and the amnesty granted to 800 thousand illegal aliens.
If I were Romney, I would pick a great VP candidate that shows up the walking speech gaffe Biden, not reveal them until the convention, and beat Obama on the economy.


Wow. What a cover up. Hopefully this is the end of him.


What angers me is what is not being talked about and that is the motive behind the operation.  The story of tracking guns into the hands of cartels is pure crap.  Nobody in there right mind puts guns into the hands of known criminals just to see what they will do with them!  The real reason is to fabricate... yes fabricate excuses to call for new highly restrictive gun control legislation. It is a devious conspiricy by the socialist liberals as a group and no doubt included the Justice Department and the White House.  Thankfully some patriots blew the whistle on this plan.  But not before people were murdered on both sides of the border with those guns.  This deserves nothing short of criminal prosecution of everyone involved.


This clown makes me wonder if we the people will have to have the military remove his @#$ from office when the time comes.the Constitution he believes does not apply to him nor his crony's.