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Obama just put a nail in his reelection coffin

Started by bird, June 20, 2012, 10:33:47 AM

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Eric Gregg

Quote from: Frankinthelaurels on June 21, 2012, 04:00:52 PM
Yeah keep on ROB_ME!!! I wonder if the American people know that it was actually BUSH's program in the first place and that Holder put a stop to it..I wonder why BUSHY's att. general wasn't asked to testify???? YEAH keep on ROB_ME, I wonder how many of his 5 son's will sign-up to be on the first wave going into IRAN like yours and mine were for the other two fiasco's dreamed up by the conservatice right dreamers or will they just be to busy worrying about hiding more cash off-shore and expecting the middle class to make up the difference!! Coming from a community were old Mitten's true colors has already done away with a mill or two while filling their pocket's so full it's sickening YOU'Al need tale a closer look at this flip and a half flopper! WHILE you and I were crawling away in the mud and muck of that hell hole so long ago this character was strolling around the tower in PARIS, don't get fooled again!! Maybe we can start a poll on here as to which of his 5 son's will be the first to sign-up and pick a date as to when it will happen..
Eric Holder himself refuted that it was left over from the Bush administration. That is why the media isn't jumping on your statement above because Holder himslef had to retract that it was left over from Bush.  Also, our soldiers have sworn to defend our country  and that is what they are doing.When thye joined the military it was understood that at any time they would be called upon to serve and possibly sacrifice their life. I am thankful that they are out there keeping the terrorist busy so they don't have time to plan another Sept 11th.


Quote from: Skeeterbait on June 20, 2012, 06:15:35 PM
What angers me is what is not being talked about and that is the motive behind the operation.  The story of tracking guns into the hands of cartels is pure crap.  Nobody in there right mind puts guns into the hands of known criminals just to see what they will do with them!  The real reason is to fabricate... yes fabricate excuses to call for new highly restrictive gun control legislation. It is a devious conspiricy by the socialist liberals as a group and no doubt included the Justice Department and the White House.  Thankfully some patriots blew the whistle on this plan.  But not before people were murdered on both sides of the border with those guns.  This deserves nothing short of criminal prosecution of everyone involved.
The pupose behind this was to show the sheep (American public) how easy it is for the mexican drug cartels to get "assult" weapons from the USA. This would create a crisis where the obama regime can creat more gun control. The communist libs in charge love a good crisis to help further their agenda. Mark my words.


Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


Certified Wildlife Biologist


Quote from: jim67 on June 22, 2012, 02:13:38 PM
Quote from: Skeeterbait on June 20, 2012, 06:15:35 PM
What angers me is what is not being talked about and that is the motive behind the operation.  The story of tracking guns into the hands of cartels is pure crap.  Nobody in there right mind puts guns into the hands of known criminals just to see what they will do with them!  The real reason is to fabricate... yes fabricate excuses to call for new highly restrictive gun control legislation. It is a devious conspiricy by the socialist liberals as a group and no doubt included the Justice Department and the White House.  Thankfully some patriots blew the whistle on this plan.  But not before people were murdered on both sides of the border with those guns.  This deserves nothing short of criminal prosecution of everyone involved.
The pupose behind this was to show the sheep (American public) how easy it is for the mexican drug cartels to get "assult" weapons from the USA. This would create a crisis where the obama regime can creat more gun control. The communist libs in charge love a good crisis to help further their agenda. Mark my words.

BINGO.... You are exactly right!   :z-winnersmiley:


Quote from: 870FaceLift on June 20, 2012, 11:56:21 AM
Sorry to slightly change the direction of this post, but I also have a major problem with Obama's marketing campaigns.  Have you seen this?


What do you think would have happened if a Caucasian president had ever produced and published a You Tube video for ALL WHITE PEOPLE to unite for a WHITE PRESIDENT?
The addiction will cost you time and money and alienate those close to you. I can give you the names of a dozen addicts — myself included — whose wives begin to get their hackles up a week before turkey season starts and stay mad until a week after it closes.

—Charlie Elliott

Old Gobbler

US - 2012 Presidential Election: Obama 46% - Romney 46% - (Gallup 06/23/2012)

US - 2012 Presidential Election: Romney 48% - Obama 43% - (Rasmussen 06/23/2012)
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....


turkey slayer

Quote from: stinkpickle on June 20, 2012, 11:10:30 AM
Don't underestimate the ability of the "mainstream media" to ignore anything.   :D
sad but true


I read the comment about not underestimating the media's lack of enthusiasm (to put it nicely) to give an unbiased accounting of anything that may be deemed detrimental to our current administrations reelection chances.
I would add that the general lack of a basic understanding of our history and political processes among the general public--especially the younger folks that came out so strong in the 08 election---should not be underestimated.
Don't be so sure about any nails in the coffin here--Not meaning to be pessimistic, but you throw in the media, the uninformed apathetic numbers, and the sheer numbers of those on the government doll that the Democratic Party has legislated into existence that will all vote for Obama no matter what, and it will be difficult for any candidate to overcome.
Problem is, I am not tremendously more enthusiastic about a Romney Presidency than I am for an Obama administration.

Old Gobbler

The vote is going to depend again...on a few key swing states

270 are needed to win the election

Romney has 170 predicted points 

Obama has 220 predicted points

there are 147 electoral votes in tossup states as we speak today

Florida is a big one again - I dont predict  the same left leaning voter turnout as last time , there has also been a crack down on some loopholes that the liberal organizers have been exploiting   
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



Ask the people from Mass. Who there voting for .


Quote from: Hooksfan on June 24, 2012, 09:14:15 PM
I read the comment about not underestimating the media's lack of enthusiasm (to put it nicely) to give an unbiased accounting of anything that may be deemed detrimental to our current administrations reelection chances.
I would add that the general lack of a basic understanding of our history and political processes among the general public--especially the younger folks that came out so strong in the 08 election---should not be underestimated.
Don't be so sure about any nails in the coffin here--Not meaning to be pessimistic, but you throw in the media, the uninformed apathetic numbers, and the sheer numbers of those on the government doll that the Democratic Party has legislated into existence that will all vote for Obama no matter what, and it will be difficult for any candidate to overcome.
Problem is, I am not tremendously more enthusiastic about a Romney Presidency than I am for an Obama administration.

scary, very scary, and don't forget the ones who will vote for him just because he is black.
(but the conservitives are racists)


pardon my ignorance of the facts but how did they find the guns at the crime scene. Is it common pratice for the cartel to murder people and throw there guns down to be found. And how did they know which ones  could walk in this gun store and pass a background check. Looks to me like the're all in cahoots.


Quote from: jim67 on June 22, 2012, 02:13:38 PM
The pupose behind this was to show the sheep (American public) how easy it is for the mexican drug cartels to get "assult" weapons from the USA. This would create a crisis where the obama regime can creat more gun control. The communist libs in charge love a good crisis to help further their agenda. Mark my words.

You're not the only one who thinks that:  http://youtu.be/UFIpoL3jrfo