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Got out of a ticket...

Started by strutstopper, June 13, 2012, 09:13:35 PM

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Last Saturday I tore my calf muscle in Panama City. I wanted a second opinion, so I made a an appt. in Nashville. Well my girlfriend says she will take me since I couldn't drive. We head off this morning, running behind of course because she over slept. She is cruising down the interstate thinking she is going about 75-77 mph. Unfortunately she had forgotten that you have to add 4 mph to what the speedometer shows, since I put bigger tires on my truck. A cop has someone pulled and is just getting back into his car. He takes off and gets right behind us and we get pulled over. My girlfriend is freaking out because she lost her license this past Sunday in Florida and hasn't had a chance to get another one. I finally get her calmed down about the time he walks up to her window. The first words out of his mouth were "you better be glad that I like to turkey hunt". Luckily I have a license plate with a turkey on it and he saw it when he ran my tag number. I immediately knew she probably wasn't getting a ticket. He then asks for her license, and she tells him she lost it, he then ask for the number, she says she doesn't know it, I was cracking up at this point. Finally I tell her to give him your social so she does and he goes and runs it. He comes back, no ticket, and I ask if he ever gets on oldgobbler.com. His response was no, but maybe he will check it out. My girlfriend kept saying we didn't get a ticket because she is a pretty blonde, but I kept telling her that he is a turkey hunter, and that trumps about anything....

Tail Feathers

Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Us cops gotta have hobbies too ya know!

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That is a good story-- I have a similar one.

I was running late one spring morning and was going a little fast as I went through the town of Collieville TN, A policeman was hiding behind a sub-division entrance wall and caught me doing about 7 miles over the limit. As he approached my truck from the rear, I got out to talk to him---of course I was dressed in camo dead to toe. I started talking first-- I said " Oh man-- I am so sorry I was speeding a bit, but I am going turkey hunting and I am trying to beat daylight"  His eyebrows went up and he said " You're going turkey hunting?????----Well  you better get a move on!!!

I guess he was a turkey hunter too but I don't stick around to ask. I follow one of the golden rules of dealing with the police--when they say you can go--you right right then--conversations over.


I had a similar one as well this year. It was the weekend before opening day here in CA. Joey and I was taking the camera and doing some scouting. It was 4:00 am in the middle of nowhere with nobody on the road but us. Joey and I were talking and I don't even kn ow where he came from or how fast I was going when his lights came on. When he walked up to the window he asked what we were doing so early in the morning. I told him we were going scouting for turkeys. He asked if it was turkey season yet and I said no that it opened next weekend. He said take it easy boys and slow down a little when you come thru here. It ended up being a great day.

RIP Marvin Robbins


DeWayne Knight

Quote from: catdaddy on June 14, 2012, 09:14:20 AM
That is a good story-- I have a similar one.

I was running late one spring morning and was going a little fast as I went through the town of Collieville TN, A policeman was hiding behind a sub-division entrance wall and caught me doing about 7 miles over the limit. As he approached my truck from the rear, I got out to talk to him---of course I was dressed in camo dead to toe. I started talking first-- I said " Oh man-- I am so sorry I was speeding a bit, but I am going turkey hunting and I am trying to beat daylight"  His eyebrows went up and he said " You're going turkey hunting?????----Well  you better get a move on!!!

I guess he was a turkey hunter too but I don't stick around to ask. I follow one of the golden rules of dealing with the police--when they say you can go--you right right then--conversations over.

You are lucky you didn't get shot!  Around here if you jump out of the car before the officer greets you, you are asking for trouble...


Good stories..here is mine. I was speeding into a small town to go scout.The lights come on and I pull over.I don't want to be shot so I put both hands out the window and my license is in one of them.As the officer walks up to me I hear him laughing.I think ok I get a ticket and get laughed at.When he looks inside he saw that I was wearing camo and said, oh your a hunter? I said yup and he replied ok just slow down.
When I turkey hunt I use a DSD decoy


Same here. First day this year I was speeding through an area notorious for writing anybody over 5mph.  I know dozens of people who have gotten the tix. I usually don't speed but today was trying to get home so wife could keep an appt. Best friend and daughter was in the car. I made the curve at 60 in a 45 and there's smokey. Checked the rear view on came the blue lights as he pulled out. I pulled over, up to the window he came, asked me what I was doing. Speedin I replied. Just was trying to get home, I'm guilty. We are still in full camo, and he asked if we had been huntin. Yeah, one in back. So he proceeded to check out the turkey..5 minutes later, hunt story told he said just watch it next time.  :icon_thumright:
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"


good deal..cops are people too and in fact most I have known are cool as hell people.

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