After six weeks of getting up at 3:00 AM each morning, the last hunt of 2012 was yesterday, with the last day of the season today in Wisconsin. In the last two weeks I have had a stretch of six or seven days were I had called in to my setup 14 Jake's. Some of the Jake's have really got allot of gobbling in by this time and I find it hard to know if it is a young bird or not. The breeding was really slowed down and all I heard on the roost on Sunday was one lone gobble, very hard to keep optimistic. I had reduced my calling to just purrs and clucks, to just let them know I was there. This mature bird was spitting and drumming so hard I could feel it in my chest. After fifteen minutes or so he came in close enough, ending my season with a bang. My friends and I have had a great season and look forward to next. As this great sport of Turkey Hunting is an addiction.