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Days hunted vs Days harvested

Started by triune, May 13, 2012, 09:50:56 PM

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There's been alot of good information passed along here on OG and with several seasons over and winding down, was curious how everyone else does.  We don't post as much about the days we come home empty but atleast for me, they sure outnumber the days of success. 
This spring has been good for me this year.  I hunted 4 1/2 days, called in longbeards inside 20 yards on three of them with two kills.  Work kept me from going out of state or hunting more here in IN.
Last year I hunted with my son for 8 days before I was able to get him on a bird here in our home state.  Over the years, I would guess the ratio for me would be about 4 to 1.  How  about you all?

Clif Owen

pitiful here...just pitiful. Don't even want to figure it all out.


Hunted 5 days so far this season, called in one hen to 7-8 feet, no gobblers.  Couple years ago, I was in the woods for about 2 hours before I took a jake (I figure I've been paying for that for the past two years  LOL).


Between guiding youth days and hunting the first two weeks of the season we normally kill or guide kills roughly 60% of the time.

After that it drops off to probably 1 bird in gun range per 3 days hunted.


2 states, 5 days hunted, 6 Tom's tagged.


9 days hunted so far. 1 longbeard dead. I've seen birds everyday but 1. 2 weeks left to hunt, but my hunting will be limited now.


I hunted a total of 13 days so far, killed one on the tenth day, i have 5 days to hunt til the end of the season.


7 days so far no kills for me. But close everyday. 3 mornings I actually was so close I could see my longbeard hanging from the branch 20 yds in front of me. So even if I don't score this year it was a great season so far. My dad managed to bag one that I called in when he started to circle me he swung to close to dad. That's as good as scoring for me.


18 for me between Georgia, MO youth season, and Missouri regular season (can only bhunt til one but I counted them as full days). Watched nine birds bite the dust


5 days hunted, 1 bird killed between my dad and I.  We still have until the end of the month to add to that.


Went to Kentucky to hunt with cousins for 4 days.  It rained the whole time, but still saw many birds and put two on the ground.  Came back for Ohio's opener and haven't quit.  I've spent 12 mornings in my home woods here with no such luck.  I've called in 6 hens to my setups, but haven't seen any toms or jakes until this past Saturday.  Just couldn't pull the trigger on one of the jakes that came in though, due to our poor hatch last year and lack of mature bird sightings this year.  The Ohio season has been a weird one for me.  I've got this Saturday and Sunday to play, so there's still hope! I guess the short answer would have been 16:2  :)
Pass it on...


I hunted two mornings, little over 4 hours total to harvest my two longbeards here in Ohio. This is the first time I have ever tagged out in two hunts!


I hunted 4 days this year and harvested 2 gobblers. I guided my nephew on a youth hunt and made 2 hunts with a buddy to call for him but no birds where taken on those hunts. I saw birds and heard gobbling on every hunt except for the youth hunt.
In fall we rut, in spring we strut


I've sort of kept track of it somewhat over the years and average about what you do...that 3 or 4 to one area. Now, sometimes those birds called into shooting range have been jakes, however. West of the Mississippi my average is definately higher, more like 2:1.


It looks like I enjoyed 13 morning outings plus 2 afternoon/evenings, and I ended up with 4 birds...plus a miss.  :)