I've hunted in that general area, but they were rio/eastern hybrids or pure easterns. We were on the east side of the NC part of Kansas, probably just 5 miles from the NE border. I don't have any hook-ups, but I can give you some advice.
I went in blind, just like you, to hunt the WIHA areas. We checked out many and didn't see much promising. We were seeing a lot of turkeys in the farmer's fields, mainly cut corn. We stopped at a local Co-Op/feed store and talked to some locals. We got instant permission from a guy there to hunt his land. His only request was to shoot every turkey we saw. I ended up killing a monster 2 year old on that tract. While driving, we saw a group of field birds and stopped at the closest house. Sure enough, it was her land, and her sons farmed a large area. She gave us access to tons of land, running along a creek/river. We killed 2 birds on her land and hunted a large flock of field birds that wouldn't come close enough. I gave her the breast meat off of 1 of our birds and we sent her a little care package of cajun goodies from LA.
Don't be bashful. We asked 4 people for permisson. Got 3 yes's and 1 Heck No!. I would key in on the cut corn fields, it was a magnet for the birds when I went. Be prepared for those pesky gnats... Worse I have ever seen and I prayed each morning for the wind to start blowing hard enough to get them away.
Good luck, hope that helps