Ever notice the commericals on how many people are searching for the "cure" for a perfect nights sleep? everything from medicine to make you go to sleep, the perfect "bed" that conforms to your likeness, the certain excerises, ect, ect; we as americans are so busy that we deprive the body of restful sleep, so many things are out there to keep us going, jobs that require 3 shifts, 24-hour wal-marts, late night tv; no wonder we lack sleep and no wonder we have become extremely un-healthy; BUT I have the perfect solution to the BEST sleep that anyone can have; it's called a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; when one lives a clean, healthy christian life, when you give a good days work for a good days pay, when you love your neighbor in a Godly way, when you read and study God's word, when you have a active prayer life, when you lend a helping hand, when you have a strong church life, and when you live for Christ to the best of your ability everyday, then you can rest like a new-born baby; when one KNOWS that if they should die at any given moment, that their sins have been forgiven and b/c of God's grace that heaven would be their home for all of eternity, then you have the BEST solution for a perfect nights sleep;
Been sleeping good lately?..................................rem