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Video upload need help!

Started by VanHelden Game Calls, March 22, 2012, 09:59:33 PM

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VanHelden Game Calls

Alright I have been trying to upload a couple videos and start a video catalog of my calls.

I made 2 and I either am doing something wrong or do not have the patients to upload them. 
There about 1.5 min long and 230mb.

I have tried uploading but after 1/2 hr its only about 20% done. :character0029:  Do you guys just upload over night?  Not sure my upload speed but I have decent internet download speed.

So am I just impatient, to slow of a connection, to large a file?



A 1 1/2 minute video shouldn't take that long to download. Usually within 20 minutes or so. If it gets over 5 minutes it starts taking longer. Be patient it will get done.

RIP Marvin Robbins


VanHelden Game Calls


Its taking much longer then 20min.  Can anyone give me an example of their video length and file size?  Maybe my video is of a higher definition increasing the file size needlessly for a sound file?



If you have windows movie maker or something similar, upload the video through that to Youtube on your pc.  When you do that, a window should pop up with different options and file sizes to upload your video at. If it doesn't need to look pretty, upload it through the smallest file size available.  You can take a 4 hour upload down to 15 minutes or less! Hope this helps.
Hook's Custom Calls
Keep The Fever Custom Calls
Romans 3:24


I use handbrake to download my videos to my computer. Then I download them to youtube from my computer. Never had a problem. Handbrake is a free download and works great.

RIP Marvin Robbins


VanHelden Game Calls

Thanks I will give it a try. 

I was trying to upload the file I just saved straight from the camera.


Georgia Boy


RIP Marvin Robbins


VanHelden Game Calls

I downloaded the free microsoft movie maker.

Opened my original video in movie maker and then hit save finish project. 

My original format was wrong for uploading and the file size was 10 times the size it is now after  saving through movie make.  Took about 15 min to download still.

Since its my first give me some feedback on the video.

I noticed I rush speaking and calling when in front of the camera.  (I knew this going into it and thought I slowed up)

Maybe best to walk out and stand still while calling, because my calling suffers while constantly moving and calling.

What do you think?


Quote from: VanHelden Game Calls on March 25, 2012, 10:49:58 PM
I downloaded the free microsoft movie maker.

Opened my original video in movie maker and then hit save finish project. 

My original format was wrong for uploading and the file size was 10 times the size it is now after  saving through movie make.  Took about 15 min to download still.

Since its my first give me some feedback on the video.

I noticed I rush speaking and calling when in front of the camera.  (I knew this going into it and thought I slowed up)

Maybe best to walk out and stand still while calling, because my calling suffers while constantly moving and calling.

What do you think?

I agree you were rushing it a little. You did call a little too much turned away from the camera. The sound came alive when you turned around and started coming back. I don't think you really need to call while your moving. You wouldn't do that in a hunting situation. Good job. Glad you worked it out. It will become easier every time you do it now.

RIP Marvin Robbins


VanHelden Game Calls

Thanks, I agree.

No such thing as a quick short video, I am finding it still takes some thought. :TooFunny:

I have a question that many could maybe learn from.  When we do the videos, what should we try to capture for call sounds.  Ex. do we really need an excited hen run, or multiple yelps?  Would we be better served to just slow down and one at a time do A yelp, A cluck, A purr, etc, spaced out so the viewer can hear the individual call sounds vs a musical?

Just thinking now.


Quote from: VanHelden Game Calls on March 26, 2012, 07:19:04 AM
Thanks, I agree.

No such thing as a quick short video, I am finding it still takes some thought. :TooFunny:

I have a question that many could maybe learn from.  When we do the videos, what should we try to capture for call sounds.  Ex. do we really need an excited hen run, or multiple yelps?  Would we be better served to just slow down and one at a time do A yelp, A cluck, A purr, etc, spaced out so the viewer can hear the individual call sounds vs a musical?

Just thinking now.

I've thought alot about this same question. Do I want to make the call sound like a turkey or do I want to show what the call is capable of? I usually try to show what the call is capable of and then throw in some soft turkey sounds. I guess it would also depend on what type of call your are using.

RIP Marvin Robbins



Not bad for your fist one, the rest will get easier. Slow your calling down some and face the camera, it picks up the sound of the call a lot better. I would slow it down and run the different yelps, clucks, purrs, cutting calls before you mix everything together, and then run a short calling sequence to show how the call sound if you'd be hunting with it?
Wisconsin Turkey and Turkey Hunting Pro-Staff

VanHelden Game Calls


Now I just have to make some more calls.  I ran out to make videos, heck I ran out to hunt with as well :-\