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Started by VanHelden Game Calls, March 22, 2012, 09:59:33 PM
Quote from: VanHelden Game Calls on March 25, 2012, 09:15:22 PMTesting
Quote from: VanHelden Game Calls on March 25, 2012, 10:49:58 PMI downloaded the free microsoft movie maker.Opened my original video in movie maker and then hit save finish project. My original format was wrong for uploading and the file size was 10 times the size it is now after saving through movie make. Took about 15 min to download still.Since its my first give me some feedback on the video.I noticed I rush speaking and calling when in front of the camera. (I knew this going into it and thought I slowed up)Maybe best to walk out and stand still while calling, because my calling suffers while constantly moving and calling.What do you think?
Quote from: VanHelden Game Calls on March 26, 2012, 07:19:04 AMThanks, I agree. No such thing as a quick short video, I am finding it still takes some thought. I have a question that many could maybe learn from. When we do the videos, what should we try to capture for call sounds. Ex. do we really need an excited hen run, or multiple yelps? Would we be better served to just slow down and one at a time do A yelp, A cluck, A purr, etc, spaced out so the viewer can hear the individual call sounds vs a musical?Just thinking now.