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What say you to $8 a gallon gasoline?

Started by lightsoutcalls, March 01, 2012, 11:02:03 AM

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Please check out the link below regarding a conversation between a  republican senator from MS and director of the dept. of energy Steven Chu.  Chu shares the obama plan for decreasing the American dependency on oil neccesarily causes an increase in gas prices to mimic that of European oil prices in the $8 a gallon range...


This post is not intended as a slam against obama, but to provide information about the agenda and mindset of the current  administration as reported by their chosen spokesperson, Steven Chu, director of the department of energy. 
If you can explain to me how increasing the price of oil to $8 a gallon is going to help stabilize our economy, I am open to listening.  My personal thoughts are that there will be blood flowing in the streets if this happens. 
Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


Wendell, I don't think this will happen. What they want and what they get is two different things. There are some other folks that will not allow it to happen!!!
Blessed are the peacemakers for they are the children of God.


We could all get Horses, but then the Government would raise the price of hay to 20 dollars a bail..  You can't win.

When I'm not in the woods, I'm honkin on a Blues Harp


It doesnt have anything to do with making Americabetter or fixing global warming..........bet it all has to do with putting dollar bills in somebody's wallet.
Georgia Boy


The best investment right now is Gold, Guns and Ammo. And not necessarily in the order either!


I'm still totally befuddled as to why the pipeline deal was nixed by Obama, and can't understand why his decision can't be overriden?  ???


Quote from: runngun on March 01, 2012, 11:05:16 AM
Wendell, I don't think this will happen. What they want and what they get is two different things. There are some other folks that will not allow it to happen!!!

At the risk of offending someone I will say I believe our Founding Fathers never thought prayer would be taken out of school, or the Ten Comandments would be removed from a court house, but it did happen.  Ask yourself why.  It's because we let it happen, by not taking controll and saying NO.  I would like to ask when was the last time you picked up your phone and called your represenative, or you emailed your senators?  A vocal few will always control a silenced majority.
NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.



At 8 bucks per gal. I figger 10 gals. would buy a good pair of walking shoes.


Far as I know, about this time of the year gas goes up for a couple of months. I hate it also, especially since the closest store to me is about 20 miles. But on the good side I just walk out the door to do my deer and turkey hunting.


Quote from: Neill_Prater on March 01, 2012, 12:17:31 PM
I'm still totally befuddled as to why the pipeline deal was nixed by Obama, and can't understand why his decision can't be overriden?  ???

Not to side with Obama...but have you looked at the record of the pipe line??  In the last year and a half of it's operation is has had 12 huge spills...costing millions to clean up...I think the last was in the UP of Michigan...hundreds of thousands of barrels spilled in Canada then drifted to the US...

I don't know what the answer is....


The pipeline issues and cleanup are honestly expected infrastructure issues.  There are costs and risks associated with any "improvements" to infrastructure. 

Within a mile of my house they are working on the proposed interstate 49.  The environmental impact is huge.  Acres and acres of land that only a couple of years ago had good deer population now have 4 lanes of massive blacktop and concrete.  Acres and acres of trees were bulldozed... the cost of progress.  I know that last fall, one young man was laying out forms for concrete work on the project and was run over and killed by heavy machinery.  It wasn't anything that could be calculated, but is the result of progress. 

If you have ever traveled on interstate 40, you will know that there are frequent repairs, patches, improvements done.  I'm sure they cost millions... the price of upkeep of infrastructure... the price of progress.

As I understand, the lower portion of the pipeline is going ahead, without obama's approval.  He is aware of the work going on and even says it is a good thing.   ???  Sorry, I don't get that whole issue.  Nonetheless, he will take credit for any jobs "created" by the construction of a pipeline that he said "no" to.  Along with the construction will be residual financial improvements of the economies of the surrounding areas where the construction is going on.  Construction workers have to buy gas for their personal vehicles, and eat lunch, and live somewhere while the project is going on.  If those numbers add up enough to show any improvement in the economy overall, you can be assured that obama will take credit for that as well. 

Before I pop a vein, I gotta get off of here. 
Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


You know, the POTUS has said that he doesn't mind high gasoline prices, he just doesn't want them to go up "too quickly."

I want to know when was the last time that he personally pulled into a gas station and actually pumped his own gas, and paid for it out of his own pocket ?


Explain this to me.  With gas prices rising daily then why are we exporting gas and oil?  Why are we exporting it and importing it at the same time?

We will continue to be puppets until we can find a way to control big oil and big gas companies. 

Eric Gregg

Unreal. Guys, I really wish that we Americans could come up with an alternative to petroleum for motor vehicles.
This is pure stupid to what we are being charged at the pumps. It is amazing that of all the brilliant minds that we have in America we cannot find another way to run our engines. We went from horse and buggy to steam engine, to the gasoline combustion engine within 100 years of each, and we can't find a way to power our vehicles with anything else. I know that there are many factors to why we cannot immediately cut our dependency on crude, but, I believe the time is now to start seriously pursuing an alternative means.