I used to use the foam, fold up decoys because they were compact and ready to carry. I hunted with a fella once and he had a DSD. Great looking decoy and looked as close to the real thing, next to mounted hens of course. There was a slight problem aside from the price and that was the fact that its a hard shell decoy. I hunt primarily public land and already have enough gear to carry the 2-5 miles, and sometimes more, that I walk daily during the spring. Sorry but any hard shell decoy is a no go in my turkey hunting arsenal no matter how good they look. I've even used the Cherokee inflatable decoys once but was very dissatisfied with their appearance (that of a turkey vulture). Finally the Avian X decoys came along. Equivalent realism as a DSD, inflatable and a lot less expensive. I carry 2 of them IN my vest and not in my hands.