This big guy was on the cam. A big 250lb beast. You can tell by his ears looking small that he's got a big neck and decent mass. Didn't have anything to make them stop for multiple pics on the trail, so sprinkled out a little corn to help. I usually don't get many bucks on cam til December, so I was surprised when I had 18 bucks already on this stand.
Disregard the date, I didn't set it on 2011.
A bachelor group cam by with one shooter and a decent 8. I passed this 8 yesterday morn. He's only a 110" 2.5yo and should be nice down the road:
This big guy was just ahead of him, but I just had that one pic and he hasn't been back. Maybe the does will bring him by for a better pic when the rut gets kicked off in a few weeks:
Had 6 8s, a few culls, a bunch of dinks, and the big 9 so far. Can't wait to check it again in a couple weeks. Maybe some cruisers will pay a visit.
Ya'll have a good one,