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occupy movement

Started by gob09, November 20, 2011, 08:45:18 AM

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Maybe it's what they didn't pass.  But since the meltdown, they did pass the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act which is now under attack by the Republicans.  Congress's approval rating is at 9% so I don't think I am the only one who thinks they are not looking out for the interests of the average person.  But we may have different ideas about what those interests are.


Quote from: Struttinhusker on November 21, 2011, 08:20:34 PM
Maybe it's what they didn't pass.  But since the meltdown, they did pass the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act which is now under attack by the Republicans.  Congress's approval rating is at 9% so I don't think I am the only one who thinks they are not looking out for the interests of the average person.  But we may have different ideas about what those interests are.
Still does not justify what is going on nor make the persons doing the protests any more credible does it.


If credibility means raising public awareness of the growing income and wealth disparity in this country, yes they are credible.  If credibility means they now have a concrete plan to do something about that, no.  And if credibility means every single one of them is someone you would want one of your children to marry, then probably not.  But the fact that so many of you are that concerned about them probably means there is more to it than tomfoolery.


I dont think the OWS numbnuts have a snowballs chance of making any difference in the socio-econimic world.  Most of these people dont have a clue about what is really going on.  They are the bleeding heart liberals who rally around a cause like moths hang around a porch light.  If you have ever seen the movie PCU, you will understand what I am saying.  They are not of the opinion that the "rich" should give them oppertunities to make it.  They feel the rich owe it to them and should give it to them.  They truely want socialism.  These people only want to suck of the teet of society while they sit back in their hooka cafe's and pass the bong water.  I believe these folks are in the same category as PETA, KKK, NAACP, SEIU, etc.  They have a cause, but even if the cause will hurt everything to accomplish, they dont care.  SOme things are worth fighting for.  WHat they want is something worth fighting against.
Certified Wildlife Biologist


Let`s start at square one!! Ford moved their new plant because of epa crap and union crap. Unions used to serve a great purpose when they weren`t so greedy!! Now unions are all about lobbying and stealing your money!! Yes, I was in the union, on negotiating committees for 21 years I`ve seen how it works. OWS should be occupying the pharmaceutical co., and the white house. I would bet that legalized insider trading for the select few might have something to do with wall street. Why do you think It`s so easy for China and these other countries to import their goods? Someone`s getting rich!! Who makes it so easy for them?? That`s right the brains at the top!! The bottom line is we the AMERICAN people got sold out!! Now the next problem is so many people have gotten used to extended benefits they`re gonna fall into a rut and expect the jobs to come to them. Problem is we don`t have any jobs left!! Obama just gave the solar chip plant to China!! It`s all about greed. Hell; you know things aren`t good when Jimmy Hoffa endorses the president!! We fought the vietnam war for 10 yrs?; Now we import goods from them. We fight wars over the way people are being treated in these countries and still we buy there product. It`s a frickin joke!!!


Quote from: Struttinhusker on November 21, 2011, 09:25:11 PM
If credibility means raising public awareness of the growing income and wealth disparity in this country, yes they are credible.  If credibility means they now have a concrete plan to do something about that, no.  And if credibility means every single one of them is someone you would want one of your children to marry, then probably not.  But the fact that so many of you are that concerned about them probably means there is more to it than tomfoolery.
No I am not concerned about them people are just tired of the crying and whining instead of trying something productive. Out here a while back we had the bicycle rider crowd take over the road ways in the Seattle area to a point a young couple could not get their car on the street and to the hospital as the lady was in labor, the protesting idiots much like a gang would not move or let them by. Worried no but they can be glad it was not my wife for they would also have been on the way to the emergency room or morgue their choice not mine.


Once again, a potentially worthwhile movement is ruined by the idiotic, fringe participants it attracts...just like the Tea Party.  LOL!  It really sells some news, doesn't it?   :D


I just had an Occupy Movement.  Ahhhhh, I feel much better now.
A man fires a rifle for many years, and he goes to war. And afterward he turns the rifle in at the armory, and he believes he's finished with the rifle. But no matter what else he might do with his hands, love a woman, build a house, change his son's diaper; his hands remember the rifle.


Quote from: CASH on November 22, 2011, 12:32:46 AM
I just had an Occupy Movement.  Ahhhhh, I feel much better now.

Me Too and I named mine "The Prez"!


Once again, I find myself being fascinated by these types of discussions occurring on this forum.  

I also find it most interesting how many here tend to blame the tens of millions of people that are being adversely affected by the current political/socio-economic conditions into which this country has fallen on each of those individuals rather than questioning the system itself.  The consensus by the vocal here seems to be one of, "If you are in a bad situation, then it's your own fault."

Sorry, but I can't agree with that.  You can't tell me that all of those tens of millions of people are where they are at because they are all slackers.  They are there for a reason,...and that reason is that the system is, at least in some respects, broken.

We laud capitalism and free enterprise, and at the same time condemn anything that resembles socialism or, worse yet, communism.  Capitalism and free enterprise work great,....as long as everybody plays by the rules, but unfortunately, human nature and self-interest tend to get in the way.   As individuals, we are programmed for self-preservation, and preservation of family and "tribe", through our genetics.  

Over the last century or so, that "survival of the fittest" mentality has been convoluted to one of "survival of the financially fittest".   That is all well and good,...as long as everybody is "surviving" under similar condtions and circumstances.  When things start to fall apart is at the point where too many individuals and their "tribes" are not able to survive within the system.  We seem to be rapidly approaching that tipping point. ...And when that happens, you can scratch the "financially" out of the survival equation.  

The Occupy movement is nothing but a message to the power structure that runs the system,...the politicians, the corporations, the financial system, the "financially fit",...that it is time for things to change.  The Occupy Movement does not have to be organized or well-planned.  The message is still the same.  ....You back all of your dogs into a corner, and then don't provide them with food and shelter, and they will eventually turn on you.  ...And if you don't feed or shelter them while you yourself exist in the lap of luxury, well,...the outcome is predictable.  History has this often unpleasant way of repeating itself, time and time again.  Unfortunatley, there are no more Americas left on the planet for those that want to, to escape to.

There are plenty of good dogs in this country that have been backed into the corner.  It is time for the snarling and growling to be heard.....


Quote from: GobbleNut on November 22, 2011, 10:24:05 AM
Once again, I find myself being fascinated by these types of discussions occurring on this forum.   

I also find it most interesting how many here tend to blame the tens of millions of people that are being adversely affected by the current political/socio-economic conditions into which this country has fallen on each of those individuals rather than questioning the system itself.  The consensus by the vocal here seems to be one of, "If you are in a bad situation, then it's your own fault."

Sorry, but I can't agree with that.  You can't tell me that all of those tens of millions of people are where they are at because they are all slackers.  They are there for a reason,...and that reason is that the system is, at least in some respects, broken.

We laud capitalism and free enterprise, and at the same time condemn anything that resembles socialism or, worse yet, communism.  Capitalism and free enterprise work great,....as long as everybody plays by the rules, but unfortunately, human nature and self-interest tend to get in the way.   As individuals, we are programmed for self-preservation, and preservation of family and "tribe", through our genetics. 

Over the last century or so, that "survival of the fittest" mentality has been convoluted to one of "survival of the financially fittest".   That is all well and good,...as long as everybody is "surviving" under similar condtions and circumstances.  When things start to fall apart is at the point where too many individuals and their "tribes" are not able to survive within the system.  We seem to be rapidly approaching that tipping point. ...And when that happens, you can scratch the "financially" out of the survival equation. 

The Occupy movement is nothing but a message to the power structure that runs the system,...the politicians, the corporations, the financial system, the "financially fit",...that it is time for things to change.  The Occupy Movement does not have to be organized or well-planned.  The message is still the same.  ....You back all of your dogs into a corner, and then don't provide them with food and shelter, and they will eventually turn on you.  ...And if you don't feed or shelter them while you yourself exist in the lap of luxury, well,...the outcome is predictable.  History has this often unpleasant way of repeating itself, time and time again.  Unfortunatley, there are no more Americas left on the planet for those that want to, to escape to.

There are plenty of good dogs in this country that have been backed into the corner.  It is time for the snarling and growling to be heard.....



The above sounds good but in reality it does not hold water. No one is saying the unemployed are the problem (themselves) but the protesters do not have a clue why they are there and no one is going to listen to them and a bunch of liberal college professors and students. If Socialism and communism is so great and you want it move to a country that supports it but ah they are in worse shape than we are so none of you are packing. Wonder why if it is the way to go that the lovers of this kind of life style are not on their way? Just wondering?

Old Gobbler

I cant wait for that New York winter to kick in and freeze these commies

:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



I am thnking about trying this "Occupy" idea on that bad "posted" land where the turkies gobble so much ,  this spring.
Romans 8:37


capitalism works. crony capitalism does not,and thats where we've been for many many years. occupy movement isn't enlighting anything usefull to anybody. why do you think our dear leaders are takeing up for them?         
   Those mean dirty old banks were forced by law to make bad loans
Turn it around? I hope so. But I'm afraid the media will decide who gets elected.