I spent my weekend in the shop making a few new calls and a new striker.
First up, a new striker for my scratch/slate call. I had a lot of suggestions about combining the 2 strikers into 1, so this is what I came up with. I will probably make it a little smaller, but it works good with the call. Its made of walnut and spalted sycamore for the top and zebrawood for the shaft. Chalk up one of the flat surfaces on the top and run the scratch box.
Next, here is my solution to all those pieces left over after I make a halfmoon box, a halfmoon scratch box that measures 4 1/2 inches log and 1 3/4 inches deep. Nice compact call
Zebrawood and African mahogany
Next, my first crystal call. Purpleheart, crystal over slate:
Next, a long box. This is my first attempt at a hewn out call. Cedar body with walnut lid.
Next, my first Cost style scratch box, cherry and walnut with a purpleheart striker.
And last but not least, my first Cost style box call. Red elm body with a walnut lid. This is also my first attemt at checkering.
Thanks for looking