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Did You Know This??? About Herman Cane...

Started by ctwny1, October 05, 2011, 09:55:15 AM

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He has my vote all day long. The more I hear him speak the more I like him


I am giving Cain a very serious look at getting my vote.  Whoever gets the nod to run on the Republican ticket I sure hope picks Paul Ryan as their VP. 


I actually enjoy listening to Herman Cain speak.      He's a sharp guy and has real world experience in turning failing companies around.

I hope he makes it far enough to allow American's to vote for him.


Quote from: stinkpickle on October 06, 2011, 02:01:16 PM
Yep.  He and Ron Paul are definitely at the top of my list.  Having them on the same ticket would be great.  Unfortunately, we'll probably end up with Romney.  Eh...


Dylan T

Except his 999 plan would raise taxes by 40% on low-income people & cut it 40% on the rich. Like that's gonna work.
The economy is not a pizza.



Not sure how people in tax-free states would like that. I`m in NY so anything`s gotta be better than it is now. I like the flat-tax idea.


Quote from: Dylan T on October 11, 2011, 09:10:05 PM
Except his 999 plan would raise taxes by 40% on low-income people & cut it 40% on the rich. Like that's gonna work.
The economy is not a pizza.


I suppose a pizza guy would be as least as good as a community organizer.


Quote from: Dylan T on October 11, 2011, 09:10:05 PM
Except his 999 plan would raise taxes by 40% on low-income people & cut it 40% on the rich. Like that's gonna work.
The economy is not a pizza.


Can you share where you got those figures?  MSNBC? Chris Matthews?  I'm amazed by the liberals that want to degrade THIS black man as nothing more than a "pizza man".  Truth is, he served this country with the Navy calculating the trajectory of missiles, basically he was a rocket scientist.  He served on the board of the federal reserve in Kansas City.  He became chairman/ceo of several businesses in the food industry and saw increased profits result from his time with each of these companies. 
Several years ago when we tried to find out things about the past of another "gentleman" running for office, there was always a shroud of mystery... denials to see birth certificates, college records, employment history, ties with domestic terrorists, etc.  Over 2 years into his presidency, he still has not come up with a legitimate plan focused on solving our economic problems.  He has bailed out banks that later failed, took ownership of Government Motors Company and handed out "free money" to people to buy cars while he ordered perfectly good used cars destroyed that those who receive government assistance in other areas might have been able to afford.  He has granted half a billion dollars to a solar panel company that has filed bankruptcy in a matter of 2 years give or take. 
Herman Cain has a proven business track record.  He is a mathemetician by trade.  No doubt the "999 plan" will require some tweaking, but you can't deny that he is bringing something to the table that has much more substance than "hope and change" ever thought about.  You will whine and moan about how much it will cost the "poor", but have no problem "sticking it to the rich folks".  If your figures on the 40% increase in taxes for the poor is correct, that would likely effect me.  Given Herman Cain's position on a number of other issues, I'm willing to take the chance.  How can you justify increasing the taxes on the rich (basis for obama's latest "jobs bill" that just FAILED)?  Do you not understand that when the taxes increase on the owners of businesses, that cost of doing business is passed on to consumers (you and I) in the form of price increases?  It doesn't take a "rocket scientist" to figure that one out. 
Instead of blindly listening to the talking points of liberal media, take the time to listen to some of Herman Cain's viewpoints away from the debates.  Find out who he is.  Find out what he believes. 
Obama, on the other hand... we know what he is about.  We know what he believes.  His track record over the past couple of years speaks volumes.  We have seen him shift positions that he held as a "present" voting senator from Chicago.  I won't go on about his "accomplishments" that make my blood boil every time I hear his voice or see his image.   
I don't blame EVERY problem in America on obama, but he owns his share of the pie.  I don't believe that any of the Republican or Tea Party candidates are above making mistakes, or even being misleading in some of their claims or promises.  Given the current state of affairs in this nation, it is my opinion (something that I think we are still entitled to in this country) that we are in desparate need of "hope" and "change".  The change we have had in the past 2 years is not what many were hoping for.  I'll take my chances with the rocket scientist turned pizza guy.
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Well said Lightsout! We need change and in a bad way. I'm ready to put a very smart person in office . Insted of a lifer in politics , and his 999 plan would get everyone putting in the kiddy . We need some serious change with out the hope thingy .
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What a senior policy adviser in the Reagan and first Bush administrations who also served on the staffs of Jack Kemp and Ron Paul wrote about the 9-9-9 tax plan.


If the article you linked is written by a Ron Paul staffer, why would anyone give it any merit.  Does a player root for the opposing team? 
As previously stated, the 999 plan no doubt will need tweaking.  It is at least a starting place to open up discussion and address other plans that OBVIOUSLY are not working (to include plans from the Bush era).  I have heard that the idea of a 9% federal income tax may open the way for congress to increase the amount with a vote.  That is not so appealing.  BUT, given the options...  again, I'll gladly take my chances. 
On a side note, I see Mr. Cain has moved ahead of Romney in most recent polls. 
Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


Something sounds liberally biased about this 40% increase on taxes for the poor because only about 15% live at poverty and pay no taxes. 40% of noting equals nothing.  50% of all americans get credits that off set any taxes.  Its time that EVERYBODY pays. When I made 24,000 a year, I still paid taxes, high health insurance prem and I still paid my tithes.   I didn't have internet, cell phone or satelite TV. I drove cheap used cars and did'nt get to go on vacations.  This was in the 80's. 
Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord
:gobble: :gobble:


He's got my vote.  Anyone that wants all the hope and change to keep them voting for Obama that he so promised let me know how much change in cents you are hoping for?  There was a funny about that.  


notice how everybody is moveing up there election date to give mitt an edge over Cain. Most of the media is still saying mitt is in the lead when most of the polls show otherwise. The media is now claming that Cain cannot win over obama. what a crock.

Turkey Trot

Income taxes are capitalized into the price of goods and services.  Suppliers know what margin they need and account for their effective tax rate in there.  If Cain's plan were implemented, would every thing work in accordance with the theory that a reduction in income tax to 9% would lead to a corresponding reduction in price. 

People (media) are looking at his 9% consumption tax as a tax that will raise the current cost of goods and add tax to non-taxed goods. The plan dependence on a reduction in the cost of goods is going to be difficult for people to understand, particularly when the media is liberal and Cain is not and it is not going to help him.

Here's how Cain adviser Charles Kadlec, explained it in short, "...The third 9% tax is a sales tax on the final sale of new goods. It should be noted that unlike state sales taxes, which are add on taxes, this is a replacement tax. Therefore, the significant reduction in the cost of existing taxes embedded in the price of goods today should lead to lower prices, which will offset most if not all of the national sales tax".

One thing that dummies in our society ignore is that high income taxes on businesses have an inflationary effect on the cost of goods and services because taxes are capitalized in price.  End consumers ultimately bear the burden of the tax.  When discussing a change in tax strategy, one cannot ignore that the rich and poor are bearing taxes alike when capitalized in price and with consumption taxes.

I for one, am circumspect about feeding the federal beast by opening up a new domain to federal taxation.  Sales/ad valorem/consumption tax has always been the province of state and local govt.  It is what was left to them and they filled the space because the feds dominated income tax, all import tariff, dominate estate taxation, etc.  Once the fed starts taxing, over the long run it raises rates and increases the scope of taxation.  Let's face it, we have politicians that gain and retain power at the expense of the productive class by promising to use the legislative power to commit theft and wealth transfer to the deadweight in society.  I don't want them to have more tools.  What really matters more than taxation method is how big govt is going to be and how much we are going to spend.
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