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Hank jr on Obama..

Started by gobbler74, October 04, 2011, 12:07:48 PM

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"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"


Open mouth, insert foot. What good could have possibly come out of that conversation?? Although most believe, and agree, with what he said, there is a time and a place for it. Not on national T.V. It's not like he was having an intimate little conversation, with a few friends...I'm going to miss his intro's for Monday Night Football.
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.


After listening to the interview, I am not so sure he was not drunk


Quote from: Basser69 on October 04, 2011, 12:58:14 PM
After listening to the interview, I am not so sure he was not drunk

:D  Chances are...


Quote from: Basser69 on October 04, 2011, 12:58:14 PM
After listening to the interview, I am not so sure he was not drunk

Or following up.
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"


Quote from: Bad Grizzly on October 04, 2011, 01:03:23 PM
Quote from: Hognutz on October 04, 2011, 12:54:37 PM
Open mouth, insert foot. What good could have possibly come out of that conversation?? Although most believe, and agree, with what he said, there is a time and a place for it. Not on national T.V. It's not like he was having an intimate little conversation, with a few friends...I'm going to miss his intro's for Monday Night Football.

Why not? We should have a voice, we SHOULD be heard...... all the liberal crap that is spewed across the media outlets and that is being forced on citizens ...... REAL Americans of this country.... It's time we take a stand.... United we stand, Divided we fall.... When is enough.... going to be enough? I'm glad he had the balls to say it, ESPECIALLY on national TV for the world to see.... let them socialist jackasses in Washington know they are being watched and if things don't change, they can be voted out..... it's time we take this country back and get it back to the ideals it was founded on instead of all this politically correct hogwash coming from D.C.

To hell with Obama and his entire following of socialist sheep........ they will all be starving one day.

All I'm saying is, that by him saying what he said, on Nation T.V., cost him his singing intro job. Nothing more, nothing less. No need to go ballistic over this..Mike
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.

Houndstooth Game Calls

It amazes me how people are so threatened by ones words or thoughts! I think he was speaking his mind and he really didnt care who thinks what! Which I admire him for that you know people who speak there mind sometime have to suffer consequences but the other thing those that do speak freely you know exactly where they stand and know there feelings of the matter which is the way we are suppose to be and have the right to do that! As for loosing his singing job with MNF well that singing job wouldnt make a pimple on his arse to what that man brings in a month pretty sure about that!! Hope he keeps speaking his mind!!!


I agree with all of you, and I'm not really worried whether losing the MNF gig will cost him his ranch in Montana. It bothers me, as well, that a guy can't speak his mind on T.V. without ramifications. That's the way it is, and probably always will be.  I like Jr., and applaud him for his ideals. They mimic mine. I certainly didn't mean to start a peeing match over this and I hope he continues to speak his mind. His point of view doesn't bother me in the least.. It's all good.....Mike
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.


Welcome to the generation of the easily offended and political correctness....
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"


What he said in that interview is really no worse than saying he hates Obama.  Heck who doesn't nowadays.  Even the voters who put him in office hate him.  He's been one of the worst presidents of all times and he will go out as such this next election after the voters have their say on election day.  

I thought I better clarify my thoughts.   :icon_thumright:

I don't want to lose my gig with one of the other major networks.   :toothy12:


I'll add his ideas don't float with the American people.  He led people to believe he had the answers.  Now give him a letter grade after having 2yrs in office and most would give him a F or maybe a D for those that do like him. 


Well Obama has not exterminated any people yet but his is trying his darnest to exterminate Americans with everyone of his policies.And I can almost bet there are Americans that hate him every bit as much as they hate Hitler. He is a POS and there ain't no way to pick up a turd by the clean end. Hank will be back next Monday, he makes way to much money for ESPN for them to get rid of him. I have to praise him for speaking his mind. I personally did not like seeing the President and congress golfing and acting the fool while so many folks are in dire need of leadership. Obama has not shown us anything but where all his vacations have taken him and old waddlebutt. I don't watch TV except for news, so it does not bother me if ESPN were taken off the air. Come November we will experience some real change and hope I believe.


   I finally got to hear the clip yesterday on the radio.  I think more than anything he was trying to show that Boehner and obama were (or should be) at polar opposite ends of the political spectrum, and that Boehner playing golf with him was unbelievable and unacceptable.  I don't think the idea was to actually compare obama's policies and "accomplishments" to the same level of evil as Hitler... but then again, I'm not Hank.  That was my "take-away" from what I heard. 
    I don't know why one line from one of his hit songs kept going through my mind... "I'd like to spit some Beech-Nut in that dude's eye, shoot him with my old .45..."  I also found it interesting that he mentioned Herman Cain in his discourse. 
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Lightsout, that was Hanks explination in a later interview for his comparisson.  He was in no way comparing Osama.....Obama to Hitler.  Just that they were polar opposites.

Unfortunately I DO think Obama will get re elected.  There are to many croocked liberals with voter fraud and such, too many wellfare recipients that will vote themselves a pay check, and too many minorities that will put him back in because he is black.  And the media is not helping any.  THey are touting him as a successful president.  Not to mention the republicans have not got a strong enough candidate.  They all seem like RINO's.  Regardless of who runs this next year, I will have to glue my nose shut to avoid the stench of any candidate i vote for.
Certified Wildlife Biologist


I honestly expected to see civil war in the US by now... yeah, seriously.  IF he is re-elected, I think that is a very strong possibility.  Too many people are fed up with his manure and are currently pinning their hopes on 2012.  I don't think a lot of folks would tolerate another 4 years.  As for viable opposition, keep an eye on Herman Cain.  Although I am a bit surprised by his recent surge in popularity, I am PLEASANTLY surprised. 

I know that regardless of the political stand a person takes, people can downplay "right" on the part of the opposing view or justify "wrongs" of the candidate of their choice.  That's not a slam on a specific party, but rather a generic commentary across the board for both (or all) parties.  Due to the fact that we are all individuals and hold individual beliefs, we will never find any candidate that will make everyone happy.  The "lesser of 2 evils" mentality comes into play everytime an election comes up.  It is my own personal opinion that it won't be difficult at all to find the lesser of 2 evils in 2012.

Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!