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Carlson vs Trulock in .575

Started by bvoss, March 06, 2025, 09:16:12 AM

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Anyone noticed a difference between the trulock .575 or the Carlson .575? Looking to shoot Apex 9's or the 9/10 blend out of my Franchi Affinity 3.


Both are solid chokes and will kill every bird you shoot with them if you have your gun sighted in and do your part. I personally prefer the Trulock .575 of the two even though that is no slight to the Carlson. If you shoot a blend with ten's in it, you may possibly find that the .575 is a tad bit too open (50/50 chance), but for straight nines, the .575 will almost always be money. If you decide to go with the straight nines, if you can afford to get multiple chokes, you may find that the .585 Trulock gives you a better over all 20" pattern even though the .575 will generally win out ever so slighty in the inner core of said pattern.

If you can, please share your patterns in the 20 gauge pattern section on here later on. Helps others to reach the same destination in their journey with their guns. Good luck.
"I said to the Lord, "You are my Master! Everything good thing I have comes from You." (Psalm 16:2)

Romans 6:23, Romans 10:13


I appreciate the info and when I get a chance to pattern them I will post the picture in the pattern forum. Thanks!


My Trulock shoots better in my A 20 Mossberg than my Carlsons.


Ive never shot a carlson choke. Or a .575. So I don't have any input on the comparison. I got a franchi affinty 3 last season and ordered a trulock .585. I shoot the 3" 1 5/8 oz nines from apex. And I will say the patterns are out of this world dang near perfect.


If they are both made correctly, I would hazard that it would be difficult to tell the differenece in the patterning...

One thing I will say about after-market chokes (and factory chokes for that matter), is that they are very often made incorrectly...

I have ordered chokes for wing-shooting and clays from a number of different companies, as well as measured factory chokes that were not made with the correct constriction.

I check all my chokes (after-market or factory) with a bore gauge...  When ordering chokes, I always let them know I will be checking with a gauge...  I have sent many, many chokes back that were incorrect.

That being said, for my last gun I ordered Trulock, and they claim a tolerance of .002, and all of the chokes they sent me were spot on for constriction.

I will add for those looking for a new choke, that from my research, I would stay away from ported chokes...
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


Just in case you find the .575 too tight, I'm using a Carlson .585 in a SX3 and it patterns extremely well with Federal TSS #9.

I also use it with Kent Fasteel #4 duck loads which still maintains a wicked tight pattern; pattern doesn't blow out.

I have to put in an improved or modified choke for snipe as I need as much spread as I can get for those little buggers!!


The sx3 has a larger bore than other 20ga, which is likely why it likes that more open choke.

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