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TSS shot question

Started by aeasley10, February 08, 2025, 09:29:37 PM

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Quote from: silvestris on February 15, 2025, 10:51:03 AMIf you can call them inside 35 yards, old school lead kills them just as dead as TSS
I know tss is great shot but, other than .410, maybe .28 ga., the need for me, isn't that great.
I generally don't shoot past 30 yds. My gun is a forty yard gun. That's all I need.
More power to the guys who use it. Nothing against it other than the price and ABSOLUTELY nothing against it for anybody else.
If I can't get 'em in close, gives me another day to hunt

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Quote from: silvestris on February 15, 2025, 10:51:03 AMIf you can call them inside 35 yards, old school lead kills them just as dead as TSS

Agreed... But...  I like my gun to be effective 5-10 yards further than I prefer to shoot them...  Lots can happen to create a situation where it could be beneficial...

But, here in California, non-toxic is required...  Steel is so vastly inferior to the denser metals, that it is really not a consideration.  Turkey hunting is NOT high-volume shooting, and I spend far, far more on gas than I do no shells.

Admittedly, I began shooting Hevi-Shot before lead was illegal.  Bought some early & cheap (50ยข each), and found it easier to keep tighter patterns with increased down-range energy...  Very easy to get acceptable 40 yard patterns in a standard full choke.  Admittedly, it is tough to swallow $10 per shell, but a box of 10 will last me 3+ years.
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.