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Our Best Career Birds and memories

Started by eggshell, January 14, 2025, 09:24:12 AM

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I was on a fishing forum this morning and someone started a thread about days past and asked for pictures from our early years and our fondest memories. I thought it would be a good way to pass some winter days by posting some nostalgic pictures and  telling some stories about memorable hunts or our Lifetime best bird.

This is one of the best overall birds I ever killed and it has a good story. This old bird had 1 1/2" spurs, two beards of 11 3/4 and 9 + inches and weighed 21.5 pounds. He was just a beautiful old tom that put on a show. On opening morning I stopped at a hidden little nook on public land as a quick in and out before work. The bird I had scouted there stayed silent and I bailed out of there. On the way to work was a spot I had just acquired and I decided to stop in and see what was happening there. I parked at the gate I was told to park at and started around the hillside bench. It was around 8:30 and I had to be at work by 10:00 AM (about 15 minutes away). So I was just doing a quick run and gun to see if there was anything here. The landowner had grumbled to me about other hunters from the adjoining property coming across the line and to be on the lookout. As I approached the point where the other property joined I stopped and made a cut and a booming Gobble came right back at me. I instantly saw a fan about 100 yards out and I hit the dirt at a small tree. I was pinned down and didn't like my set-up. Here he came strutting like a king. All I could do was sit still and watch for a chance. Sixty yards and wide open, fifty, forty, thirty, twenty five and I am still exposed. Finally at twenty he goes behind a small stump, but he's almost past me. I move and raise my gun and he sees me but doesn't know what I am and raises his head for a look....not a good choice, and I hammer him. I soon realize he is a very nice bird. As Paul Harvey used to say, now for the rest of the story. I took the Gobbler to work and put him in a walk in cooler we had after checking him ( we ran the check station). That evening I stopped to show him to my MOther-in-law and my daughter who stayed with her until we both got off work. My wife's uncle was there and he was a turkey hunter too. He admired the bird and said he had dueled with a big old bird that morning but couldn't get him to cross over from the neighbor's farm. He informs me he saw my truck that morning and knew where I got the old bird. I said I moved and got him down at the Johnson farm (not real name) and he got a blank look. "NO you didn't" was his reply, "They won't let anyone hunt". Well you see I helped old man Johnson fix a flat on his dump truck along the road one day and he asked how he could repay me and I asked to turkey hunt. This  was his old bird that he had dueled with, but he didn't believe me until the next day when the ridge was silent and the neighbor told him someone shot up on the ridge the day before. He called and said, you lucky Basta$d, but at least a buddy got him and I got to see him.

I have killed birds that many would consider better trophies, but this is one of my favorites. The beards were massively full and he was just a nice bird. This was in the Late 1980s or early 1990s

Greg Massey

Awesome story and gobbler. Congrats

I don't have a picture but my most memorable hunt was the first gobbler I killed which was a Jake on public ground.
This was many / many years ago and this was the start of me being hooked on turkey hunting. Little did I know that Jake has cost me a small fortune in calls, shells, guns and gas chasing these gobblers, but I wouldn't trade the great memories and friends I have made alone the way chasing these birds...

I carried that bird around in the back of my old truck and showed it to all my hunting buddies like it was a 12 point buck... LOL ... those were the days ...

Spring is coming guys and girls ... LOL

The Old Gobbler Forum is the best for information and sharing memories.


Quote from: Greg Massey on January 14, 2025, 10:19:08 AMAwesome story and gobbler. Congrats

I don't have a picture but my most memorable hunt was the first gobbler I killed which was a Jake on public ground.
This was many / many years ago....

Was it before cameras and film ??    ;D

Sorry.....  Had to.   :TooFunny:   

PA elitist since 1979

The good Lord ain't made a gobbler I can't kill.  I just gotta be there at the right time.....  on the day he wants to die.


Quote from: Yoder409 on January 14, 2025, 10:23:51 AM
Quote from: Greg Massey on January 14, 2025, 10:19:08 AMAwesome story and gobbler. Congrats

I don't have a picture but my most memorable hunt was the first gobbler I killed which was a Jake on public ground.
This was many / many years ago....

Was it before cameras and film ??    ;D

Sorry.....  Had to.   :TooFunny:   

He could go back to the cave wall drawing and take picture now

It's hard to pick out the very best after 50 plus years, 9 states and a whole boat load of birds.


Quote from: eggshell link=msg=1206843He could go back to the cave wall drawing and take picture now

Ouch !!!!

 :TooFunny:  :TooFunny:
PA elitist since 1979

The good Lord ain't made a gobbler I can't kill.  I just gotta be there at the right time.....  on the day he wants to die.


I don't have any pictures of the bird but my most memorable turkey hunt was in the late 90s I had been out of high school a few years and hand only been turkey hunting for a couple years, it was just a picture perfect morning, still and quite, I had got to my spot really early, I was hunting a Timbered cattle pasture full of mature bur oak trees, I'd ben after a bird in that area but he would fly down and strut on the neighbors property, so I got in really close to the roost that morning.  The gobblers started gobbling and I was kind of surrounded, I had the birds I was looking for in front of me then a couple more gobbling to my right and one gobbling behind me.  When they flew down they kept gobbling pretty well but they ended up on the neighbors again, the gobblers to my right and behind me quieted down some but were gobbling okay still.  I had a hen answer me from the neighbors so I just started answering her back.  This went on for a few minutes then I heard a cackle and wings flapping and here she comes marching up the hill to me, I was up against a big oak but no real cover around me in a grazed pasture so I was sure she'd pick me off, as she kept scolding me I heard the gobblers coming from behind her, the sun was just breaking the ridge behind me and then three gobblers came into view, all strutting as I was focused on them here come two more from my right in full strut.  So now I have 3 gobblers right in front of me at about 30 yards and 2 more coming pretty hard from my right, as well as the other hens that were with them, I can still picture how they were almost glowing as the sun hitting them, I picked out what I thought was the biggest gobbler and took him. Still my best bird ever, 1.25 spurs, 12in beard and just shy of 28lbs. I love reliving that hunt over in my head, sadly the landowner has passed and now no hunting is allowed on that property. 
In wildness is preservation of the world so seek the wolf in thyself


Quote from: mlee3553 on January 14, 2025, 01:51:06 PMI don't have any pictures of the bird but my most memorable turkey hunt was in the late 90s I had been out of high school a few years and hand only been turkey hunting for a couple years, it was just a picture perfect morning, still and quite, I had got to my spot really early, I was hunting a Timbered cattle pasture full of mature bur oak trees, I'd ben after a bird in that area but he would fly down and strut on the neighbors property, so I got in really close to the roost that morning.  The gobblers started gobbling and I was kind of surrounded, I had the birds I was looking for in front of me then a couple more gobbling to my right and one gobbling behind me.  When they flew down they kept gobbling pretty well but they ended up on the neighbors again, the gobblers to my right and behind me quieted down some but were gobbling okay still.  I had a hen answer me from the neighbors so I just started answering her back.  This went on for a few minutes then I heard a cackle and wings flapping and here she comes marching up the hill to me, I was up against a big oak but no real cover around me in a grazed pasture so I was sure she'd pick me off, as she kept scolding me I heard the gobblers coming from behind her, the sun was just breaking the ridge behind me and then three gobblers came into view, all strutting as I was focused on them here come two more from my right in full strut.  So now I have 3 gobblers right in front of me at about 30 yards and 2 more coming pretty hard from my right, as well as the other hens that were with them, I can still picture how they were almost glowing as the sun hitting them, I picked out what I thought was the biggest gobbler and took him. Still my best bird ever, 1.25 spurs, 12in beard and just shy of 28lbs. I love reliving that hunt over in my head, sadly the landowner has passed and now no hunting is allowed on that property. 

That's a dandy to remember

Greg Massey

Quote from: Yoder409 on January 14, 2025, 12:46:54 PM
Quote from: eggshell link=msg=1206843He could go back to the cave wall drawing and take picture now

Ouch !!!!

 :TooFunny:  :TooFunny:

Your just jealous because I wasn't wearing one of your ProStaff Shirts...  :TooFunny:

Tail Feathers

So many good hunts and birds...
My first longbeard was the best hunt. It was a great gobbling day. Two toms came in together, side by side.  The double gobble at 30 yards about blew my hat off and was the true rush that started my addiction.  I couldn't shoot because they were so close to one another.  Finally at 5 steps, one stepped out in front of the other and I took him.  I have taken birds with better spurs and beards, but none gave a better hunt. I will try to add a picture later. 
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Quote from: mlee3553 on January 14, 2025, 01:51:06 PMI don't have any pictures of the bird but my most memorable turkey hunt was in the late 90s I had been out of high school a few years and hand only been turkey hunting for a couple years, it was just a picture perfect morning, still and quite, I had got to my spot really early, I was hunting a Timbered cattle pasture full of mature bur oak trees, I'd ben after a bird in that area but he would fly down and strut on the neighbors property, so I got in really close to the roost that morning.  The gobblers started gobbling and I was kind of surrounded, I had the birds I was looking for in front of me then a couple more gobbling to my right and one gobbling behind me.  When they flew down they kept gobbling pretty well but they ended up on the neighbors again, the gobblers to my right and behind me quieted down some but were gobbling okay still.  I had a hen answer me from the neighbors so I just started answering her back.  This went on for a few minutes then I heard a cackle and wings flapping and here she comes marching up the hill to me, I was up against a big oak but no real cover around me in a grazed pasture so I was sure she'd pick me off, as she kept scolding me I heard the gobblers coming from behind her, the sun was just breaking the ridge behind me and then three gobblers came into view, all strutting as I was focused on them here come two more from my right in full strut.  So now I have 3 gobblers right in front of me at about 30 yards and 2 more coming pretty hard from my right, as well as the other hens that were with them, I can still picture how they were almost glowing as the sun hitting them, I picked out what I thought was the biggest gobbler and took him. Still my best bird ever, 1.25 spurs, 12in beard and just shy of 28lbs. I love reliving that hunt over in my head, sadly the landowner has passed and now no hunting is allowed on that property. 

That's a beautiful hunt to remember. We can all picture it with your description.


That's a great thread idea Eggshell and your hunt was fun to read. I think we'll have many great stories in here.


I don't have a long career in the books yet, and all birds are always amazing to get... I could tell you about my first ever hunt, which was a double on two toms, on this fine morning... Or it could be this 9 inch beard tom last spring that came running at me and I ended up shooting at a few steps only. A turkey hunt is always memorable.


PA elitist since 1979

The good Lord ain't made a gobbler I can't kill.  I just gotta be there at the right time.....  on the day he wants to die.


My 8 year old grandsons first bird from 2 years ago is by far my best hunt.
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr


Great reads gentlemen!

  My sons first Tom and this hunt tie for most memorable hunts.
Think it was 13yrs ago, living here in the woods of Eastern Maryland only had 1 Jake come thru the neighborhood where we live up to this encounter. Was still working as a carpenter for a local builder, didnt like the guy but it paid the bills. Told him when I started, I would be hunting a lot. Had already taken 3 nice Toms over in New Jersey, hunted Monday with no success, so was planning on going back over Friday, worked Tuesday and Wednesday when boss said he didn't need me Thursday, didn't want to run the 1 1/2hour trip on Thursday as I wanted to take my son on Saturday, use Friday as a hunt/ scout day.
  Day was going to be catch up on yard workday. Started trimming bushes in driveway, neighbor had landscapers cutting grass, running trimmers and leaf blower. Had to be after 9am or so, my Lab was laying at top of driveway watching, everything. I swear I heard a GOBBLE, of course this time of season we all hear them in our heads! Turn off trimmer, standing there he gobbles again!! Northwest of house, within 100yds. Drop trimmer, Dog now sees, feels my excitement and goes on high alert. We run into house, have to close 6 windows and rear slider because she will go nuts if she sees the turkey. As I am doing all this the thought hits me that my neighbors are messing with me or its a jake... didnt care, run through garage, grab a call, put on a camo coveralls and head out back into woods.
Go about 40 yards into trail I have outback, hit call, he cuts me off, gobbles again, hes 60yds over a slight rise downhill from me. Hit the ground, no head cover, phone in back pocket under coveralls, just sitting on trail behind some Mt. laurel. Hit call again lightly, hammers back close and can hear drumming, I started sweating, shaking, hes on another trail that runs over the rise, start to see tail feathers, FULL FAN, see his red head come over the rise, nice beard, full strut, at 25yds he gets nervous looking at the big sweating blob staring at him, he cuts to my left breaks strut, starts putting, turns and walks back over rise. I am shaking sweating panicking. Let him get out of sight, start crawling towards house. Get up and finish the run into house, think bow or gun ..but I just got busted by him, go with gun, find headcover. Head out for round 2, go 150yds further out into woods, set up at another trail, not a maintained trail but has more cover. Hit calls, hes in bottom 200yds South of me. Battle begins, he will answer but not coming. Move closer towards him, works now he is answering and headed my way. 10 minutes later he comes around the corner in full strut, 25yds in between shakes I squeeze trigger. Blasted hole in fan, dead backyard Tom!!
Best year I ever had with taking 5 really nice Toms, 4 in Jersey and 1 nice Maryland Tom!
Loved this hunt so much that I took my 1st Tom that I had full mount done and stagged pictures on trial of our 1st encounter as he strutted up to me. Couldn't find pictures in computer so I had to take pictures of pictures.   
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr