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Alone but not lonely

Started by misfire, December 19, 2024, 07:59:34 AM

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"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:20b


Some feel it when alone; others feel it in a crowd.

For many, the holiday season can be one of the loneliest times of the year. According to sociologists, never before in history have so many people lived in such close proximity and yet felt so alone.

Loneliness is a major problem. There's no doubt that singles bars are often filled with lonely people. A divorced individual tired of one-night stands recently said, "Sex is readily available in the American singles scenes, but friendship is not."

Let me offer you a different perspective on the subject:

I propose that one can be alone but not lonely.

Loneliness doesn't have to steal your joy, your happiness, and your hope this holiday season.


Because a person will never find victory over loneliness until he or she learns to enjoy being alone. That means digging down to the root of all loneliness, which stems from alienation from God.

Years ago, a man named Augustine espoused, "God made us for Himself. So, our souls will remain restless until we find rest in Him."

In other words, we may seek to fill the void with activities, crowds, and noise, but ultimately, this nagging loneliness will remain until we know God personally.

And that's the key to being alone but not lonely – a personal relationship with the God of the Universe. 

Are you ready to take that step of faith this Christmas season?
Pray as if everything depends on God, work like everything depends on you



Great message Lee!  Merry Christmas good man, JR
"One can work for his gobbler by learning to communicate with him, or one can 'buy' his turkey with a decoy.  The choice is up to the 'hunter' " --William Yarbrough


Many of my best moments with My Lord has been alone in the woods and fields while hunting



I couldn't agree more. You're never truly alone if you have Jesus. His gift is now, today, this very moment on earth, if you accept him into your heart and everyday life.
Stand still, and consider the wonderous works of God  Job:37:14


Blaise Pascal wrote a famous stanza that most people know as "The God Shaped Hole".  Scholars believe he developed this view from some Of Agustine's writings. AURELIUS AUGUSTINE, BISHOP OF HIPPO wrote a dissertation called the City of God analyzing Rome of the time. It's very dry reading but it very much describes what we see in the USA today of a society that either pursues riches and power laced with debauchery or righteousness through Jesus Christ. Here are links to both if you want deeper reading.

