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Social Media Experiment

Started by Fdept56, February 11, 2024, 12:06:45 PM

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It's no surprise to anyone that turkey hunting has changed in the past several years. I was reading through old forum posts last night and the amount everything has changed is just astounding and honestly saddening to me. Back 5-10 years ago everyone was much more friendly and for the most part happy to see each other's success.

I am just as guilty as anyone, and more so than most, but it seems nothing can be discussed civilly anymore. There is a group that can't stand what social media has done to turkey hunting (I'm a member of this side for the most part), and a group that thinks that this is the only way turkey hunting will ever stay alive. These two groups can't agree on anything and any post that either side comments on ends in a screaming match between the same few people. This morning the thought popped in my head, "what would Gene Nunnery think about this?" I have to believe that anyone who had so much respect for the wild turkey and reverence for the way the bird should be hunted would be disgusted in what the sport has become.

I'm in no way saying that we should turn a blind eye and just accept everything that is happening in turkey hunting right now, but I am going to take a step back and hope that my enjoyment of the sport is enhanced from staying off social media this season. All year, 50% or more of my thought process is devoted to turkeys, but the closer season gets, my stomach just turns from seeing all the posts from people I don't know who are turning one of my favorite things in life into something almost unrecognizable. Even though I have been turkey hunting 20+ years, I'm still in the "younger" crowd and didn't get to experience much traveling before it became the "cool new thing" and not hunting in new places before it gained so much popularity is one of my greatest regrets in life. Staying off all forms of social media is going to be my way to see if the change is really as bad as I think it is or if it's just a perception from others.

I know this is a rambling mess and I know I don't have to announce my departure, but I will be on the site another week or so before I tune off for a long while. I haven't "met" many people on here but if anyone would like to keep in contact shoot me a PM and I'll get my number to you.

Goodluck to everyone this spring! Please don't act any differently than you would if you were the only person in the world that cared about turkey hunting and PLEASE remember to put the turkey first, without them this whole way of life would not exist.


56, I believe it is a HEART issue.  Everything is about my needs and wants these days.  Social media has definitely fueled this because people are free to post, text and e-mail without any fear of repercussions.
I'll explain.  These HEART issues don't just exist in turkey hunting, it is prevalent on our roadways, in schools, workplaces, sports and so on.  Many people don't care about anyone but themselves and it spills over into every aspect of life.  When I was younger (I'm 66 years old now), families would get together and have meals, fellowship, show LOVE to one another and help your neighbor.  Most people don't even know their neighbors today and don't care who they are.  Until we return to having compassion and love for our country and fellow man, this is going to continue (social media or not).  This Country is the BEST in the world BAR NONE, but we are slowly destroying it because of our lack of LOVE for one another.  Proverbs 27:19, Matt 11:29

Howie g

Quote from: bbcoach on February 11, 2024, 01:03:07 PM
56, I believe it is a HEART issue.  Everything is about my needs and wants these days.  Social media has definitely fueled this because people are free to post, text and e-mail without any fear of repercussions.
I'll explain.  These HEART issues don't just exist in turkey hunting, it is prevalent on our roadways, in schools, workplaces, sports and so on.  Many people don't care about anyone but themselves and it spills over into every aspect of life.  When I was younger (I'm 66 years old now), families would get together and have meals, fellowship, show LOVE to one another and help your neighbor.  Most people don't even know their neighbors today and don't care who they are.  Until we return to having compassion and love for our country and fellow man, this is going to continue (social media or not).  This Country is the BEST in the world BAR NONE, but we are slowly destroying it because of our lack of LOVE for one another.  Proverbs 27:19, Matt 11:29
100% agree .^^ me ,me ,me ,,, and not enough us ,us , us ..

Greg Massey

Something you have to realize Is this forum is pretty civil during most of the year until we have the influx of people to the forum a couple of months before spring season... It's all a part of the forum and we all adjust to the situation especially yearly members ... Take for instance your post which has some valuable points most of the year we wouldn't even have a post of this type ... So what i'm saying is a lot of this only occurs a couple months before the spring season...   I do agree social media along with news media has caused a lot of problems for us all...   Simple life is pretty much non-existent with social media ... IMO


Quoting Whiteoak from a previous thread

" I dont consider a forum like this to be mainstream social media. Forums of this genre, truly focused on campfire style convo and education, arent focused on photos and chest beating. That goes for any sport or hobby forums, i.e.bodybuilding or fishing, etc.

Its the "look at me" narcissism drug that is killing turkey hunting and the pinhoti types are the dealers and brand reps of this drug making money and fame off the addicts."



I think it's a healthy discussion. There's no question social media has positives and negatives. My wife is the jealous type, so scrolling through FB is not the best thing for her mood. On the other hand, I love FB,  and am able to help people ID wild mushrooms(I'm a mycologist) and stay safe, which makes me feel good, and useful. So I think it depends on the person and how they react to social media stimuli.
Stand still, and consider the wonderous works of God  Job:37:14


Ehh, personally, I don't have the time or desire to dabble in any social media other than this site. And even then, it is what you make it. I have met some great guys on here, so there are some benefits. I personally have nothing to prove to anyone, and I will be hunting turkeys just like I have been before Al Gore invented the internet. I mainly come on for the entertainment factor, have some laughs, and hopefully cause a few. There is a lot of knowledge and advice here as well. Some good, some bad. We all have opinions, and that's fine. I don't have to listen to them or agree with them if I don't want to. They darned sure aren't going to make me waste my time arguing with them or ruin my day.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


I'm all for jumping on the bandwagon for any topic about the world going to heck in a handbasket, but consider me a slow learner.  I belong to social media sites for hunting, fishing, hobby farming, tractors, trucks, boats and more.  I think there are idiots on social media who have nothing better to do than go onto these sites and disagree with people or cause conflict.  I consider it just noise and ignore them.  But what is happening to turkey hunting itself in your opinion?

For me, the quality of turkey hunting has gone down immensely over the last 25 years.  The primary reasons in my mind certainly have nothing to do with social media.  It's  1) lack of access to land 2) a decrease in the population of birds.  I started to type all kinds of reasons for these 2 problems but realized I could potentially take this thread off topic and it would therefore make me one of the causes of problems on social media!  :o

All of the tools, some of the skills!


   Well 56- This site here is extremely civil compared to other Hunting Sites. Sometimes there might be some history between 2 members who were members on other Hunting sites and had disagreements there or Quote Wars and recognize each other here.  In fact,I have that problem  here once in awhile as in my recent- " Youth" Thread.
        I think on Social Media Sites where everyone has a username rather then their own name- such as on Facebook- things could get carried away on occasion .
    Between Turkey Hunters though- the main conflict that could happen is the degree of Difficulty  between Public + Private Lands. Be careful of this subject!!
    Reaping is another 10 pager that raises emotions. And the list goes on- like Finding 2 Trail Cameras in your Honey Hole that you have been Hunting for the last 6 Springs.And it goes on.. Mostly Civil here though. I post the most here between January +early June.  Come back 56- things are warming up.


I guess in my "old" age (32) and growing up with all kinds of social media, I have very quickly learned how to block out the negatives. I still see plenty every spring when it comes to turkeys and turkey hunting but a "block" button is your best friend. It very quickly turns to mostly positivity. Some days I see more people hunting Public Land, and some days I don't see anybody. I've made some great friends the turkey woods and I've made a couple enemies as well. Life's too short to miss out on enjoyment because of what someone else is saying on the internet.


One issue is that things come across when typed much differently than when spoken, that causes a lot of issues. I like to make a quick phone call and take out the interpretation that messes us up instead of texting. So a lot of discussions on here aren't as tense as they read like sometimes, just strong opinions

Secondly, I don't consider this the Old Gobbler social media. This is like what was stated an old school chat room or forum with campfire like discussion for enthusiasts specifically, not publicly shown and displayed. And yes, those arenas are all "look at me" focused it seems 

Thirdly, all the publicity has brought a lot of non turkey hunting types into the sport, and they're not like most turkey sportsmen from the days of old. They don't know any better, and add in young age and some instant gratification habits and you've got a real winner.  Been learning lately of guys screwing over call makers and cheating folks out of money, they're not older gentlemen.

Just some thoughts
"One can work for his gobbler by learning to communicate with him, or one can 'buy' his turkey with a decoy.  The choice is up to the 'hunter' " --William Yarbrough

Tribute Custom Calls

Kind of funny as we had a similar discussion at work this morning about how fast things are changing in todays world compared to not that long ago and the impact of social media. I had a FB page some years ago for calls and family things but got away from it because of my old school ways. Ways that prefer a phone call or in person contact. Like others, this chat/forum site might have similarities to social media but is also a lot different, we all have a common and enjoyable bond regardless if we are strangers or old friends. Social media posts can be taken so many different ways, mostly due to the lack of punctuation IMO. Seems every aspect of life revolves around the social media sites in some way, shape or form. Even business aren't as successful if there not on social media, thus the demise of brick & mortar unfortunately.
In conclusion, my hats off to those that choose to shy away from social media and thank goodness for chat/forum sites like this.
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In my own humble opinion, anytime that you get a group of people together that are truly passionate about something, there's going to be some questions about the way others go about it and some sort of "disagreement"!  It really doesn't matter whether it's hunting, fishing, farming, politics, or religion!  And I personally feel that's a great thing!  No progress can ever be made on a topic that everyone agrees on. I personally feel that as a society we have come to believe that anyone who brings another idea to the table that we don't agree with or that we haven't thought about is definitely against us. We get so headstrong and set in our ways that we refuse to accept that we can be on the same team even when we have different game plans!  Many folks on this forum have far different views on plenty of issues than I do. But I would happily shake every single member's hand if I could and invite them in to my house for a coffee and chat!!


So in reality you are letting society change you, and making you quit. That's what they want, so they can just push their agenda. Their idea is...Let's get them frustrated so they just quit and then we win.  A forum is where you can learn things, discuss issues, and agree to disagree, and more than that, just talk to other like minded people that may or may not share all of the same believes. How are you going to help change someone's mind if your not in the game? I don't quit reading the Bible just because people argue about believes. I know what I believe in and I am expected to uphold those believes and speak to others. IF WE ALL QUIT, THEY WIN. Don't give up!!! Don't ever give up!!!


I hate it for you younger guys. My two cents, especially for your younger guys that live in more remote areas...  focus your energy on securing private access.  Then you won't need to worry about what goes on with social media, youtubers, etc. All that social stuff isn't going away, and the public land $hit show will only get more crowded each year. There are no secrets anymore.

If you can't afford private access in your home area, get creative! if you know a skilled trade (electrician, plumber, etc) use it to your advantage!! Trade your services or muscle for private access. Ask the old farmer if you can help out with some projects in exchange for 6 weeks of access for turkeys.  A lot of farmers would rather you help them out with a project instead of cash.
And once you secure some private access... don't take it for granted.