They seem like they are trying to do what's best for both sides, by getting all the input? Guess we'll see. Funny thing...Indiana sent out a survey request for deer sightings on your cameras. They wanted to know how many pics of deer you had, doesn't matter if it was the same deer, 2 sec apart, and they wanted all cameras, even if your cameras were 60-70 yards apart. This was in a week or two time frame. So, in reality I was to send them 3 cameras 500 pics each, because I have burst mode set, which would be 1500 pics in 1 week. But in reality, it was the same 20 deer, as they all have markings. So now the state will say we have plenty of deer, and we can give out more bonus tags, aka money for them, when in reality it's nowhere close. Idiots.