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Longest sit on a bird?

Started by g8rvet, May 23, 2023, 08:56:43 PM

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Just watched a video where the guy sat on the bird for 2 hours and I liked the "how close" thread.   

I am not talking about a "deer hunt" situation, but where you heard the bird and sat down and kept contact until he finally came in.  I set my record this year and he gobbled enough to let me know he was staying fairly close and I could not move because of how thin the pines were. But I knew he was there and just waited him out. When he finally broke he came right to me (under 20 yards in full strut)-like he knew a hen was there from where he roosted and finally got around to checking her out. 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


4 to 5 hours for sure, and on more than one occassion.


Not sure exactly but in Missouri a few years ago I sat down in the dark and started tree calling to a bird at first gobble, I would say 5:30, never moved and called on and off to him until 10-10:15, he came sneaking in at 11:15.

So 5-6hrs depending on the exact times which I really do not know.


Man here in Ms. I was on one from fisrt light, moved on him several times, he was close a few times and then a saw a school bus pass, after 3:30 so I just left him alone.

Greg Massey

Several hourssssssss... It just depends on how he's responding and what he's telling me ...


As far as flat pinned down, maybe two hours. In instances where I'm not pinned down, I'm gonna move some, even if it's only five or ten yards. The illusion of movement and the illusion of multiple birds are two things I'm always trying to create if at all possible.

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Last year, I spent about 3 hours on a bird that I brought home...  That is the longest I believe I ever spent on the same bird and was successful on...  I did NOT sit on one spot the whole time, and repositioned several times...  But I was on the same bird the whole time.

This season, I held on a bird for a bit over an hour, as he stood and gobbled at about 70 yards, moving foward literally inches at a time...  Gun on the bird, face itching terribly, and a bug crawling on my neck, did not move or call for the whole time (except for the sweat trickling down my face)...  Was sure he was a tom.  Turned out to be a jake, but a tom eventually came to pick a fight with him, and I gratefully took advantage of the situation.  Was one of the most rewarding birds I have killed (myself) in some time.
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


Right at 5 hours from the time I set up til I pulled the trigger.

It was one of those ones that was several hundred yards on the other side of the property line.  I won't cross a property line.  Gobblers, oddly enough...........will.
PA elitist since 1979

The good Lord ain't made a gobbler I can't kill.  I just gotta be there at the right time.....  on the day he wants to die.


This year was one of the longest hunts of not my longest hunt on a bird. I harvested a bird the morning before and I heard this bird on a ridge that I usually hear one every year on (hunting club) land. So I get in position at gobbling time. He flies down with several hens and the flock is coming to me and one hen the (look out) was a good 20 yds ahead of everyone else and she picked me off. She was probably close to 10 yds from me. She didn't spook too bad she just knew something wasn't right with me. They eased back over the ridge and I set up many different times through out the day on several different ridges. I finally harvested the bird at 3:22 p.m. when I did finally harvest him I laid there and pounded 2 water bottles I had in my vest. I was so focused on the bird I had not even taken time to drink one bit of water. I was on my way out of the lease and another hunter which had heard the bird I was on that morning was coming back in that afternoon to make a hunt. I stopped to talk and I showed him the bird. 11 5/8s beard 1 1/4 spurs. He was a dandy of a gobbler. I'd rather take 3 hunts like that a year than 15 easy kills. I'll always remember that hunt
"thinnin the flock"


4 hours, first bird I ever shot. I didnt know any better and made a thousand mistakes. He was just hot enough not to leave and he finally gave me a shot. That 4 hour adrenaline rush is what hooked me, lol. Z


3 hours, from first gobble to flopping. Gobbled off and on the whole time. Loved it!


Many hours, many times....


I've sat for 3 or 4 hours on field birds before. Not the most fun, but hey whatever it takes.
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr


Definitely several hours, probably 4-5+.  It became a LOT easier when I switched to those gobbler lounger chairs.


what Tom007 said.   many hours, many times.