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Scary encounters

Started by 2flyfish4, May 07, 2023, 09:09:46 PM

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Anyone every have any scary encounters while in the woods or at access points?

Some of the areas I hunt I don't get the most welcoming feelings. You know, the banjos playing feeling. Some because it feels like a methhead hangout others bc the locals feel they own the place.

Driving down those dirt roads to a dead end access point at dark thirty always makes me a bit uneasy, especially as crazy as this world has gotten.

I had a buddy several years ago roll up on a guy holding people at gun point on a dirt road. He was able to back out of there quickly and call the cops. Appearantly the guy was all messed up on drugs and no one was injured.

Thankfully, I've never had any situations like that.

Anyone have any good stories?


One time I forgot toilet paper.

Tail Feathers

Scary encounters?  Well there was my first marriage...
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Last year we were in a drought year, and many many duck clubs stayed dry till later in the season.  Mine was dry, my father's had water, and my club and cabin was a couple miles from his.  So driving into my compound, with nobody there, I noticed a flicker of light down the road.  So opening the gate, I honked my horn to scare anyone off.

Got to my cabin, and the door had been torn off the porch.  Cabin was totally ransacked inside, and a bunch of stuff stolen.  At the same time I drove in, a security camera at the next club over got the guys on camera making haste out.

Lots of people said, "I bet you wish you had caught them."  My answer was "NOPE."  No desire to get into a gun-fight with multiple people, or even a single person (as there is no doubt that someone robbing a duck hunting club would be armed).  Even had I won the day, no doubt I would have to spend a lot of money on lawyers; and I would have to live with taking a life.

They got a lot of stuff from multiple cabins, but mine was the worst, cause I was already hunting, and had shells, clothing, etc. that other members had not yet brought out.  (Nobody leaves their stuff out during the summer, but we rarely get hit during the hunting season, cause there is a lot more activity out there).
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


Had a run in with a few snakes, and I have gotten myself in a few stepper, higher and farther descents or accents than I should have.
NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.


Went to step into my ground blind and as is my custom I shown a light through one of the port windows to check for anything that may have entered like coon, skunk or other creatures worth cash money when skinned and I see a hunting chair, a cup holder and a shotgun laying on the ground. Kind of freaked me out and I started to look around around me to see it anybody was in the area. I did not see anything so I took out my phone and took pictures of what was in my blind and such then went in, put my gloves on flipped the gun over took pictures of the serial numbers and then sent the pictures to myself and to my GF with a message to her that if anything should happen to me she should get those pictures to the cops immediately.

About half an hour later I start hearing footsteps approaching my position and I kind of reached over and grabbed my shotgun and got in the ready position in case something went down I could return fire.

He got within 15 feet of the blind and i saw it was one of the property owners and he was going to hunt my blind that morning because he thought I was not going to be there. (Conversation that had taken place with him and another of the property owners a few days before is why he thought that) We had talked about him using one of my blinds but he had had surgery on his foot and I did not think he could make it to this one, I thought he was going to go to the one closer to the cabin.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger

John Koenig:
"It's better to live as your own man, than as a fool in someone else's dream."


Not turkey hunting but a couple years ago I was duck hunting a river that ran in to a man made lake. It was cold for here, like 8 degrees or something like that. I was using a kayak and had already finished hunting and was headed back to the truck, I was probably still 3/4 of a mile from the ramp when all of a sudden it was like I hit a wall. The kayak was stuck, dead center, and if I tried to paddle it just spun in circles. I tried to rocking it side to side, I tried walking to the front or back to get one end to come up and come off of whatever I was hung on, and nothing worked. I had no cell service at all and can barely swim. After being hung up for probably 15 or 20 minutes and trying everything I knew, I decided I was going to have to try to jump out and swim the best I could to the truck before hypothermia set in. I had put the gun in the case, took my waders and jacket off, and slipped my life vest on over my long Johns. As soon as I was about to jump, somehow the kayak came loose like it had never been hung, I thought for sure that I was going to die that day. I never could cope with the thought of not seeing my kids and wife again and I have never went to that spot again, and also haven't duck hunted alone again unless I could wade the water.

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I got circled by a bear once. Pitch dark at 00 dark thirty and a little pea shooter. He made himself known so I didnt think I was in danger. I did get a little unnerved when he circled me 3 times, so I put a little tree between us and whistled, lol.We parted friends and no harm no foul. It did keep me sharp though. Z


Never had a scary encounter with a person in the turkey woods. I have had momma bears make my knees shake a few times when I accidentally surprised them!!  The most unique encounter with people was when I surprised a young couple having a very romantic outing!!


Yoder409 stopped by my camp Saturday.

:TooFunny: :TooFunny:
A quality paddle caller will most run itself.  It just needs someone to carry it around the woods. Yoder409
Over time...they come to learn how little air a good yelper actually requires. ChesterCopperpot


Nothing scary while turkey hunting but deer, ducks  and fishing have been interesting.

Had a drunk guy pull a pistol on me while sitting in his truck when I was confronting him about trespassing. He changed his attitude when my buddy who was with me that he didn't see walked around to the passenger side with his -06 pointed at him.

Also about had my head blown off by trespassers shooting my duck decoys. We were hunting a bend in the river and we're sitting with our backs against a cut bank with our heads just below the lip. 2 guys crept in behind us and jump shot the decoys. From where they were shooting the shot was probably about 2 feet above our heads. One of the guys I was with popped up and almost shot back. Guy next to him grabbed the gun barrel and probably prevented a bad situation from getting worse.

I'd say the scariest experience I had was fishing in Florida. We were in the middle of Lake tohopekilega (sp?) when a big big storm rolled in. We'd been hearing thunder but we were young and dumb and by the time we realized it was serious it was right on us. Just before we made a mad dash to the dock we heard this humming noise almost like a mosquito but at a different pitch. We searched the boat far a few seconds and realized it was the metal tips of our fishing rods buzzing from the charge in the air. We hunkered down and made a run for it. Talking to a guy after the fact I was told it's a pure miracle the boat wasn't hit by lightning. 

I've got other oh crap moments but those are just 3 that come to mind.


Quote from: Kylongspur88 on May 10, 2023, 08:59:59 PM
Nothing scary while turkey hunting but deer, ducks  and fishing have been interesting.

Had a drunk guy pull a pistol on me while sitting in his truck when I was confronting him about trespassing. He changed his attitude when my buddy who was with me that he didn't see walked around to the passenger side with his -06 pointed at him.

Also about had my head blown off by trespassers shooting my duck decoys. We were hunting a bend in the river and we're sitting with our backs against a cut bank with our heads just below the lip. 2 guys crept in behind us and jump shot the decoys. From where they were shooting the shot was probably about 2 feet above our heads. One of the guys I was with popped up and almost shot back. Guy next to him grabbed the gun barrel and probably prevented a bad situation from getting worse.

I'd say the scariest experience I had was fishing in Florida. We were in the middle of Lake tohopekilega (sp?) when a big big storm rolled in. We'd been hearing thunder but we were young and dumb and by the time we realized it was serious it was right on us. Just before we made a mad dash to the dock we heard this humming noise almost like a mosquito but at a different pitch. We searched the boat far a few seconds and realized it was the metal tips of our fishing rods buzzing from the charge in the air. We hunkered down and made a run for it. Talking to a guy after the fact I was told it's a pure miracle the boat wasn't hit by lightning. 

I've got other oh crap moments but those are just 3 that come to mind.

I've heard the buzzing rod tips on a couple of occasions even had my line stay in the air all the way from my pole to the slip bobber after casting not allowing the sinker to take the bait down.
Paul Myrdahl,  Goat trainee

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.". John Wayne, The Shootist.


My scariest was this year. Opening morning of our 3rd season. They were calling for scattered showers and possible storms early in the day then clear off. I checked the radar before leaving home and there wasn't anything showing within 60- 70 miles. I make the 15 minute drive, get in the timber(about 500yards from the truck) and get set up. I have several birds gobbling. All of a sudden it just pours rain for about 45 seconds...glad I worn the rain suit. About 10 minutes later the birds are still gobbling on the roost and I start to hear thunder off in the distance. A few minutes later I see a flash of lighting and decide I need to get back to the truck. I was sitting in a turkey chair and holding a shotgun...I was basically a lightning rod.

I get back to truck and I'm listening to the radio waiting out the storm. It's storming pretty good with quite a bit of lightning with some hitting fairly close. All of sudden there was big ball of light and a loud boom at the same time...no pause between the light and the sound. It sounded like someone shot a shotgun right beside the truck window. The truck shook and my ears rang. It didn't hit the truck, but it was REAL close.


I was a cop in a rural area in PA for 28 years, need I say more.. LOL   However I did hunt Florida this year and I walked up on a coral snake that freaked me out.


Was sitting in the dark waiting for sunrise. Heard the God awful commotion coming towards me. All I could see was multiple black shadows running toward me. Gun dropped and safety came off. They were hogs that come running within 5 yards. A few behind me and a couple in front. I was scared enough that I should have shot one of the front runners, but didn't. Had to shake that one off for a few min. before sitting back for the hunt. There ya go.