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No More Lead

Started by Sir-diealot, April 28, 2023, 05:07:06 PM

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the Ward

Sorry to hear what you guys living in N.Y.  are having to deal with. Beautiful state, but like a couple other
states, I would never set foot in it. It is like they are not even part of the U.S.A., but run by jackboot authoritarian thugs with a portrait of Stalin hanging in the state house rotunda. Yikes!


Quote from: Gooserbat on April 29, 2023, 09:47:19 AM
Guess all the tss haters are going to have to quit turkey hunting and thus reduce the pressure so there's room for the tss loving nonresidents.
Lol! Haven't waded out into TSS waters as yet but am certainly thinking about it in a small shot (#9 and up) and a sub gauge platform (20g and smaller). However, I don't want to be herded that way by politicians..... As for less people in the woods? I'm willing to go to chunking rocks if it'll get the woods back to where it was 8-10yrs ago.....
In life and Turkey hunting: Give it a whirl. Everything works once and Nothing works everytime!

Old Gobbler

Legislation that restricts any form of ammunition is music to the ears of the anti hunters and anti ,2A crowd be cautious of the "improvements " be suspicious of politicians I trust them about as much as most people trust single ply toilet paper...full of s---, and can't be trusted to do Thier job moves like this , they look as 2 inches  closer to the end zone... of banning hunting all together..if you think otherwise , your sadly mistaken

I'm sure all the Walmarts have plenty of lead sinkers available to go fishing ? If so it sounds like a double standard?

For Waterfowl hunters this is old news as the move to steel ...for turkey hunters be aware that the source of much of the Tungsten is actually the Peoples Republic of China , they dominate the market on tungsten and also rare earth minerals ... tungsten has multiple military applications in munitions so there is a possibility even so remote..it could be restricted ... possibility and if the supply chain is ever disrupted for any reason ....just like how reloading components during the last few years ...the consumers have  a serious problem ...

Make sure .and I've been saying this for years and years ..you stock up on whatever you shoot with a supply to last you many years ,as there is no telling what the future may hold
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....
