I figured since we are about 2.5 weeks out from turkey season that I would dig out my mouth calls and start warming up for the season. I didn't try real hard last year and am determined to give at least 25% more effort. This would mean I give 50% this year, which is pretty commendable in my opinion since I haven't recieved a pay raise.
Anyways, I was spreading around 5 ton of gravel with a rake,shovel, and wheelbarrow. (I work on my fitness level and practice calling while out of breath.) It comes in handy while hunting these mountains round here. So i was working on my yelps and purrs when I start hearing some gobbling in the distance. As I worked, it started getting closer. Coming around the side of the house, I saw a rare smoke phased gobbler. I didn't have much cover or room to work with, but I managed to call in this gobbler to .410, lead shot range. If I was an Indian I am sure my display of skill would have gotten me promoted to medicine man, son-in- law of the chief or some illustrious title. But I digress. My calls and calling are in need of improvement, but I have an order of calls on the way and 2.5 weeks to practice so I feel I will be ready. I did manage to snap a picture of the whole ordeal.