They had an informational session on wild turkeys today. You can view it here turkey meeting starts around the 5 min mark.
Cliff Notes (note they will vote on things in November):
-Proposal to drop to a statewide 1 bird limit for 2023
-Limit NR hunters by 25% from where they are now (proposed to start spring 2023)
-Commissioner Lauber (he is the chair) continues to resist closing the fall season. I think the other commissioners may override him
-Bird numbers peaked in 2008.
-Avian pox and Lymphoproliferative Disease (LPDV) are the two most common diseases reported, and they see cases each year. No indication disease is the problem.
-Nest success ~25%. Some of their studies show as low as 5% and some 50%
-Poult Success ~25% 10%-75% range
Example- 100 nests=25 successful nests with say 10 poults give you 250 birds. 25% of those survive giving you 63 poults coming from 100 nests.
-90% of failed nests due to predation. They have landowners that have intensively trapped for 20 years. Not seeing increased turkey production and in fact are trending with the state. Predator numbers also remaining level on those properties.
Thats all I got for now. I am gonna head to bed. I'll add more cliff notes tomorrow.