As a rookie box call builder from Tug Hill Plateau NY, a couple of questions:
1) Are the arcs on each side of the box symmetrical front to back? I realize each side needs to mirror the opposing side, just wondering if the distance from top of sides to low point are the same measured at front & back?
2) When shaping the sides of the box where the paddle will rub, should it be a straight bevel or convex curve towards the inside? I've been making mine with an opposing convex curve to the paddle's curve.
3) Should the top of the sides be beveled to a very thin knife edge or best to leave a uniform flat area, say about 1/16" - 3/32"?
I'm recently retired & trying to build my wife a few box calls. So far, I've managed to get decent sounds out of an all walnut call & the 2nd one made with walnut bottom & ends, sugar maple & cherry sides with a cherry paddle.
I was amazed at the different tones from wood types. Thanks in advance