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What would you do?

Started by Cutt, April 30, 2022, 02:23:48 PM

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Well today was the first day of PA, and I actually took the day off, as I don't get out much with work, but now wish I wouldn't have.

Anyways I was first at this spot setup, and a guy comes right in on me, he acknowledges me and leaves, well at least I thought so?

Long story short, heard a couple on the roost below my position to the left, once on the ground got pretty quiet, but did have a hen go by. Later around 9:00 I was hearing a gobble off and on, so decided to stay put, being it is Public. Then I hear a guy on a box call move in from my right to directly below me about 80 yards, as I could not see him, so I cutt real loud to let him know I was there, and the gobbler was closer as it hit my cutting. Anyways being it's, Public I'm thinking it's another hunter that did not know I was there? Then shortly after this BOOM! So now I'm wondering if it was a different hunter or the same guy that knew I was there? So this ate at me and I went down just 80 yards below me to see, and it was the original hunter that knew I was there and came back, and he also missed the bird.

And to top it off, when I saw this guy I realized it was the same guy last year who came into a gobbling bird, I managed to kill only because of his approach, the bird didn't see him. Even last year my truck was there, and he had to assume I was working that  bird as I was calling really aggressive, as it was a hot bird so he definitely heard me calling, but snuck in.

What would you say to this guy if you saw him again? I didn't want to start a confrontation, but just simply said. Do not expect me to give way to your hunting in the future if you are on a bird first. This kind of bummed me out as I was home by 10:00, and to be honest with all that happens anymore over the years I have been leaning towards just giving it up.


Typical public land.

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When I turkey hunt I use a DSD decoy


Quote from: fallhnt on April 30, 2022, 02:45:19 PM
Typical public land.

Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

True, always can expect it on Public, but doesn't mean hunters can't be considerate of others? I know over the last few years it has really gotten worse than years ago. Lately anymore over the last few years it seems like 2 out 3 hunts are spoiled by others, all most to the point I don't even want to go, because I know what to expect.


I've said it a thousand times. Desperation makes turkey hunters do crazy things.


I would politely tell him he's an asshole!  Even though he already knows it!


Its public land, and you got to deal with people with low morals and ethics.

Several years back I was on top of a gobbling bird I put to bed night before. I was only 100 yards over the steep side hill from my truck, with the bird roosted on little finger ridge in front of me about another 100 yards away. He gobbled time and time again on his own as the sky broke gray, but more than once is way too much for public land. I hadn't even called yet.

Sure enough I hear a vehicle pull in, then a door slam, then a loud commotion in the leaves behind me...Side hill being steep it took me a lot of time in the dark to slowly, quietly pick my way down to the set up.

But sure enough, this guy heard that bird driving around, and was compelled to park right next to me, actually had to walk around my truck to the edge, and started sliding down the hill on his butt. Of course, that bird stopped gobbling.

I waved at him the whole time he slid down finally catching his attention. He then slid on an angle to where I was set up. "Did you hear that bird gobbling?" he asked me in a whisper. "Ahh...yeah," I said.

He gazed out over my shoulder in the direction of the turkey, thought to himself for a second, then asking "So, are you goin' after him?"  "Yeah, that's why I'm sitting here" I said. He looked me square in the eyes, shook his head like I wronged him in some way, turned to crawl back up to the top.

Duh. My truck parked there was his first clue, only pull off for a long ways. Me waving at him as he started down the hill was clue #2. Only bird gobbling in the valley was clue #3.

Back up the hill he went, making zero attempt to be quiet, and of course the turkey had shut up and never made another sound that morning.

Just have to deal with it. Public land is open to those who do anything to get their social media hero shot.
A quality paddle caller will most run itself.  It just needs someone to carry it around the woods. Yoder409
Over time...they come to learn how little air a good yelper actually requires. ChesterCopperpot


What is so frustrating, I just don't understand other hunters, as when I go out, I personally don't want to be around anyone. If I can hear someone calling, I'm too close, and move on, I don't want to hear another calling, yet some of these bozos will sit just out of sight of you and think nothing of it, just don't understand the mindset?

I'm also gun shy of others after all most being shot twice over the years, both similar scenarios, Where I parked first then they show up later and park next to me. First incident a guy dropped a jake 8 feet in front of me, I didn't want a jake and just watched them not knowing a guy that saw me there earlier, snuck back up the hill and snipped one.

The other incident was towards the end of the Season with no one around so decided to bow hunt. And right at the moment of truth, hen when by, could her drumming and just started tugging on the bow, and a hunter snuck in and shot right over my head. Actually heard the BB"s whiz by before I heard the shot, the guy took a 80 yard crack shot at the tom.


It just doesn't happen only on public land, it happened to me numerous times on private land. Their just slob hunters. One more reason PA needs to have a turkey stamp like most other states have. This will get rid of some of the guys that only go because the tag comes with the general license. Alot of hunters have no clue what turkey hunting is all about and get into bad situations like described.
Good luck to everyone in PA.

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It happens on public or private. I had it happen to me last year on a property I lease. Guy was brazen enough to cut me off and come between me and the bird I had gobbling. He walked down the hill, seen me set up on the bird and stood 60 yards from my location. I'm from Pa. and it happens more then you would think.


Quote from: paboxcall on April 30, 2022, 03:14:34 PM
Its public land, and you got to deal with people with low morals and ethics.

Several years back I was on top of a gobbling bird I put to bed night before. I was only 100 yards over the steep side hill from my truck, with the bird roosted on little finger ridge in front of me about another 100 yards away. He gobbled time and time again on his own as the sky broke gray, but more than once is way too much for public land. I hadn't even called yet.

Sure enough I hear a vehicle pull in, then a door slam, then a loud commotion in the leaves behind me...Side hill being steep it took me a lot of time in the dark to slowly, quietly pick my way down to the set up.

But sure enough, this guy heard that bird driving around, and was compelled to park right next to me, actually had to walk around my truck to the edge, and started sliding down the hill on his butt. Of course, that bird stopped gobbling.

I waved at him the whole time he slid down finally catching his attention. He then slid on an angle to where I was set up. "Did you hear that bird gobbling?" he asked me in a whisper. "Ahh...yeah," I said.

He gazed out over my shoulder in the direction of the turkey, thought to himself for a second, then asking "So, are you goin' after him?"  "Yeah, that's why I'm sitting here" I said. He looked me square in the eyes, shook his head like I wronged him in some way, turned to crawl back up to the top.

Duh. My truck parked there was his first clue, only pull off for a long ways. Me waving at him as he started down the hill was clue #2. Only bird gobbling in the valley was clue #3.

Back up the hill he went, making zero attempt to be quiet, and of course the turkey had shut up and never made another sound that morning.

Just have to deal with it. Public land is open to those who do anything to get their social media hero shot.

I am sorry that your morning was ruined by a thoughtless shooter (he is not a real turkey hunter), and I will apologize to you on his behalf as you deserved better. The scary thing to me is that guys like that often go back out first and "tinker" with the other guys (in this case it would have been you) truck. And my truck is my only way to get around and if someone puts dirt in the gas tank or cuts my tires, I would be in a mess. Sad that we live in this type world, but my Father always said, "Hunting will show you real quick what kind of fellow you are dealing with because it brings out the real inner self." And that guy showed his true colors to you when he came sliding down that hill. The look he gave you at the end would have been the icing on the cake for me. Hope you fare better going forward.
"I said to the Lord, "You are my Master! Everything good thing I have comes from You." (Psalm 16:2)

Romans 6:23, Romans 10:13


Quote from: Cutt on April 30, 2022, 02:23:48 PM
What would you do?
Legally speaking...  I think I speak for a lot of us, when I say, that it would probably be a bad idea to say on a public forum what we would do... :goofball:

I can tell you what I did in my younger years to guys that set up on my spread duck hunting...  I took my tule seat from the well-hidden tule patch I was sitting in, and put it in the middle of my decoy spread, and made terrible noises on my duck call.  Oddly, they moved spots. ;D

I might have a word with him, and let him know that you do not mind sharing the woods, but that the next time he sets up on top of you, you'll make sure neither of you are successful...    Whether or not you mean it, is up to you... 
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


that totally sucks!
it is hard to think some people do this sorta crap!!!


 your mind runs through a thousand possibilities, but it is a 99% probability that I would have bailed on that bird and beat feet fast, even spooking the bird. I might of just yelled out load, "Hunter over Here". If he dared say anything to me about spooking the bird I'd tell him getting shot turkey hunting and nearly dying once in my life is enough and apologize, but assure him with me safety comes first. If that's not ok don't hunt around me, if any further discussion is necessary call the game warden, I am leaving have a nice day.


Quote from: mountainhunter1 on April 30, 2022, 05:24:25 PM
....my Father always said, "Hunting will show you real quick what kind of fellow you are dealing with because it brings out the real inner self."

Truth in that statement. World is full of slobs.
A quality paddle caller will most run itself.  It just needs someone to carry it around the woods. Yoder409
Over time...they come to learn how little air a good yelper actually requires. ChesterCopperpot


Just what you have to deal with sometimes on public land. Usually it's the same jerks that do it over & over again & sometimes it's a new hunter that doesn't know any better. Bottom line it's called no respect. If I know another hunter is in an area I'm planning to hunt I go somewhere else. First off it's the right thing to do & second it's the safest thing to do.