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Funniest things you have seen while hunting

Started by Happy, March 16, 2022, 05:27:54 PM

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The creepiest thread got me thinking. What are some of the funniest things you guys have seen while hunting? And for the record Gobblenut doesn't count.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


2 years  ago I went with a buddy that's never hunted Turkey before on a piece of his family's property. We setup in the dark in a strip of hardwoods between 2 big fields. Not long after fly down I got a 2yr old very fired up and coming in on a string but from the opposite direction I had initially set him up for so he had to make a quick change to his setup as the bird was fast approaching.

To make a long story short the bird came in and he shot him at 25yds. As soon as he shot he jumped up and made it about 3 strides before a low hanging limb about 6" in diameter caught him in the forehead and laid  him out on his back. Once u realized he wasn't knocked out I proceeded to fall down laughing at his misfortune.

We talked about me videoing for him as he's big into that stuff but it was supposed to be raining so we didn't end up having his camera with us. Not many days go by that I don't wish I had that escapade on camera!

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I was driving down a certain dead end and very tight NFS Road to hopefully roost a gobbler for opening morning. I rounded the final curve which is within 70 yards of the end and was confronted with a very large and very loving couple on the hood of a red dodge neon..."in flgrante delicto". Problem was I was in my suburban and the road was too narrow to execute a u-turn or a 3pnt turn to escape the scene. I had no choice but to make a lap around the pair. It took them a moment or two to realize I was there being otherwise disposed. They did try to get in the little car, I was around and gone before they got to the doors though.

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Quote from: Happy on March 16, 2022, 05:27:54 PM
The creepiest thread got me thinking. What are some of the funniest things you guys have seen while hunting? And for the record Gobblenut doesn't count.

Good thing you threw that last sentence in there.  For a second, I was beginning to get worried about where this was headed...  :angel9: :newmascot:


opening day deer season i see a red fox run past me with a pair of underwear in it's mouth

around the card table that night as we share our stories my oldest uncle was quiet. i tell the story of the fox and my cousins fall out of their chairs laughing. guess he told them and told them to shut up.  cat was out of the bag and he had to admit to having an 'accident' to everyone else

not sure why that fox wanted those drawers


A guy busting his butt on an E Bike.  There was a high level of satisfaction with the hilarity as well.
This year is going to suck!!!


A stud box turtle chasing a girl box turtle through the woods. He finally caught up with her right under my tree and they got to doing the nasty. That old boy finished and fell over backwards and just laid there for about a half hour. I've actually got video of it

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I watched an out of state buddy miss a chip-shot on an Alabama gobbler, not once but twice.  The shells were still laying there on the fire break with smoke coming out of them and I had already sent them coast to coast via text messages.   That spot is now called Double Tap Hill!  At least I thought it was funny :TooFunny:
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
Calls Prostaff

Greg Massey

Me hearing and closing ground on public to finally reaching the gobbler and he was a tame gobbler in a pen on the joining farm.. those were some of my mistakes in my early years.. If i only had a cell phone back then and onX maps .. LOL... 

Rapscallion Vermilion

 A few years back, I was turkey hunting with my buddy Tom in Massachusetts and had managed a nice gobbler earlier in the morning. Since Tom was still hunting between me and the truck, I decided to find a nice spot to sit and enjoy the woods until I either heard him shoot, or noon, when hunting ends for the day.  A big old beech tree made for a really nice back rest at the corner of an ancient rock wall. After doing my best rock impression for the better part of an hour,  I was entertained by a lone gray squirrel foraging around and between my legs looking for some nuts among the leaves. It was pretty cool to watch one so close and oblivious to my presence, while at the same time being a little on edge that he didn't get a little too close, if you know what I mean. I'd have to admit to feeling a bit proud of how perfectly motionless I sat during my private wildlife show, right up to the very instant his viciously stealthy foraging companion jumped onto my shoulder ...

J.D. Shellnut

 A 73 year old woman running into a flock of turkeys and shooting a hen out of a tree! This is in spring turkey season in Louisiana! LOL I wished I had taken a picture of her walking out of the woods with that hen slung over her shoulder. :-)
60% of the time it works every time!


Me taking a leak in the in the woods morel hunting because you cant hunt afternoons in Mo. As I turn while tucking myself in, I'm startled by Mrs Greene Jeans. She's standing directly to my right about 15 yds away and kinda cute at that. She got the full profile. She asked if I had seen anything, nope was my reply. "Kinda wet out here." she led on. My response "Yup." As I finished zipping up. Wasn't sure if she meant too wet for mushrooms or just poking fun. The look in her eye as she turned and walked away was priceless!
Paul Myrdahl,  Goat trainee

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.". John Wayne, The Shootist.


Got a buddy of mine, losing something every time he goes out. One year it was a Jake Scott Cutter, and assorted other stuff. It was me, my son and him on a hunt. Nature called and he leaned his gun on a tree and proceeded to relieve himself, zipped up and took off walking. I just stand there staring at this gun as he continued merrily on his way. I grabbed his gun and slung it on my other shoulder and let him go about 300yds. Then I hurriedly whispered his name, and he asked "Whut?", I replied that I just heard a gobble 2ooyds in front of us. He started looking for a tree to sit against and I said "Wes, how you gonna kill him?". He patted his shoulder, said a few choice words and started back tracking. I let him go 100yds and then held his gun up for him to see.
Pray as if everything depends on God, work like everything depends on you



Years ago my hunting mentor and I went to some NF to fall turkey hunt, late December if I remember correct.  When we pull up another truck is parked there also but were not sure which way the hunter went and since it's thousands of acres we should be good to go up the road we planned.  We start up the road and my partner says I'll catch up I gotta blow my nose real quick and he starts looking for some tissues in his vest.  I keep walking up the road a ways and I see the other hunter on the side of the logging road and as I approach him he's holding his finger to his mouth for me to stay quiet and is pointing to the woods to our left.  As I get up to him he says a deer just snorted over there (he was muzzleloader hunting for deer BTW).  I say I didn't hear anything since I was walking and let him know my partner was right behind me and we would be going further down the road to turkey hunt.  My partner gets up there to us and the other hunter says he's going to ease into the woods to see if he can maybe find that deer.  We wish him luck, point to the direction were headed and proceed to where were going, after a few minutes go by and were walking I start laughing and tell my partner, "Oh my gosh, do you know your the "deer" he heard?  He says, "What?"  I said "Yeah, I just realized he heard you blowing your nose and thought a deer had snorted, now he's trying to hunt that "deer".  To this day we always wonder if he's still trying to find that "deer"


Two honkers kicking a turkey's butt (as he tried to come around the edge of a farm pond to me)

Laying against a fallen tree, a bobcat jumped on top from behind me, and we stared face to face (me looking up, and him looking down)...  He simply strolled over to the far end of the fall, and curiously watched me...  Being in mountain lion country, that incident changed my hunting habits, as I make sure that it is difficult for a critter to get me from behind.

Trying to wave off coyotes, cause I had a turkey approaching close by...  They saw my hand wave, and rushed me until I stood up...  They came to a skidding hault right in front of me...  And ran right at the tom that was coming...  (that actually did not seem funny at the time)
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.